Page 14 of Wolf Betrayed

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I pressed myself against him, groaning when I felt his hardened cock beneath my butt. Heat bloomed inside me, and the moment would have almost been perfect except…

“What about Sawyer?”

Lincoln gave me another peck. “We won’t do anything without him if you don’t want to. I just want to love on you for a few minutes, nothing more. And I don’t think he would mind. Nor would I if it was just the two of you. We are all three together, but it doesn’t mean we have to do everything together. Does that make sense?”

I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth and nodded. “It does. I just don’t want anyone to feel like they’re being left out. You both are important to me.”

Lincoln put his hand under my chin and tilted my face so I was looking at him. “No one is going to feel left out. Sawyer and I are happy to have you. Whether it’s both of us together or one of us at a time, we both understand and are okay with it.”

I shifted in his lap so I was straddling him. We both moaned when his length rubbed against my core.

“I think I’m spoiled from the last time. Both of you at the same time…” My face flushed and my heart quickened at just the thought of them both filling me again.

Lincoln put his hands on my hips and helped me move so I was grinding against him. “We’ll have that again, sweetheart. I promise.”

I let my head fall back as I put my hands on his shoulders. “Are you sure Sawyer won’t mind?”

My voice was breathless and barely recognizable to my own ears.

Lincoln leaned forward and kissed the column of my neck until his lips were against my ear. “Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

I didn’t get a chance to ask him what he meant. Sawyer’s scent enveloped me, and I felt him behind me before he spoke.

“Lincoln’s right.” He pressed his belly against my back, reaching one hand down to my breast so he could knead it.

I couldn’t hold back a breathless giggle as I turned to look at him. “How long have you been here?”

Sawyer gave me a wide smile as he squeezed my nipple, rolling it into a tight bud through my thin tank top. “Long enough that I can tell you that what Lincoln said is absolutely correct.”

He pressed himself against me, sandwiching me between the both of them. His cock was rock hard against my back. I was so hot right now, I might’ve melted.

His other hand went to my other breast, fondling it through the fabric of my shirt. “We both just want to make sure that you’re happy and safe. One of us can take care of you, or both of us. It’s just whatever the moment brings.”

Sawyer took his hands off me and backed away. I whimpered, immediately missing the warmth.

He stood up and went to the window, pumping his hands at his sides. “We will be home soon. I’ve never seen my dad retreat before. It’s a good thing you had reinforcements arrive today. I’m not sure how much longer your pack would’ve withstood that attack. My dad won’t underestimate you again.”

I looked down at my lap. The mood had been shattered by reality.

I slid off Lincoln and took the spot next to him again. “I know. We were very lucky. We were lucky you were there.”

He’d saved my mom and Willa. Maybe even all of us.

Sawyer turned back toward us and leaned against the wall. “I want you to learn to fight, Sloane. Lincoln and I will teach you when we can, when we meet like this. But someone else will have to help as well.”

I pressed my lips together. “I’ll speak to my dad about it as soon as I wake up.”

Sawyer bowed his head. “Good.”

Lincoln cleared his throat. “Have you been using my computer and the website to connect with other packs? There are hundreds across the world we can reach out to.” He rubbed my back as he spoke.

I nodded. “We have. I think my dad and some of the other alphas were already working on a plan before we even sent out the SOS.”

Lincoln smoothed his hand down my spine and let it rest just above my hip. “I’m glad. I don’t want anything to happen to you, Sloane.”

I arched my brow and twisted so I could cup his face. “Me? I’m more worried about you. Mikey has no soul.”

He was as cold and callous as his father. Maybe even worse. That was a terrifying thought. At least Alpha Dane had a motive, as twisted as it was. Mikey just seemed to enjoy inflicting harm.
