Page 43 of Wolf Betrayed

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Sloane looked behind her again. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she turned back to me. “Do you think anyone else made it out? I don’t see any other cars.”

I glanced in the rearview mirror again. “I’m sure someone else made it out. We’re on a different route than what they might’ve taken. I believe to get back to your home, they would’ve turned to the right a couple miles ago on a back street. It’s the quickest way to the freeway.”

“Oh, why didn’t we go that way?”

I flexed my hands on the wheel. “Because I figured it would be the first route enforcers looked. This is a little longer, but we’ll hit the freeway in about an hour and then can jump on the back roads in a little bit.”

That was assuming we made it that far.

Sloane pursed her lips and rubbed her hands together before sticking them on her lap. “Do you know how many men were there for your dad? I’m worried about my brothers and dad. Quite a few enforcers from my pack were there too, and countless others.”

I puffed out my cheeks and let out a breath as I flipped on my blinker so we could turn left. I eased on the brakes as we took the sharp turn. “My dad was gone. I’m pretty sure I heard them leaving first thing in the morning. Maybe an hour or two before you arrived. Mikey was up and telling me all about it. He was excited that Dad and Sawyer wouldn’t be there to supervise. He’ll be so disappointed to see me missing. He had big plans for me.”

I pinched my brows as I remembered my brother’s warning. He hadn’t gone into details, but he too followed through on his promises.

I shook the thoughts away. “Knowing my dad, he would’ve taken at least half the pack. I’m not sure how many men you guys brought, but with the element of surprise, I’m sure a decent group is already on the road behind us, or ahead of us going the other route.”

I hoped what I was saying was true. Sloane had already lost one brother because of my family. I didn’t want her to lose another.

Sloane smooshed her hands in between her thighs and shifted in her seat. “Do you really think some of the girls wouldn’t want to leave?”

I considered her question for a long moment. “Yeah, I could see where some of them would be hesitant to go, even when freedom was staring at them in the face. My dad is a vicious man, and he follows through on his threats.”

Sloane shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself. “Yeah, I’ve seen that firsthand.”

I reached over and pushed a lock of hair out of her face. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. I’m going to get you home, and you’ll see. I bet your dad will be there waiting.”

She blew out a breath and nodded. “Yeah, he probably will be.”

A frown marred her beautiful face before she turned her attention to the window.

The car was silent. The only thing we could hear was the sound of the tires as they whooshed over the road.

I couldn’t blame Sloane for being worried about her family. This whole situation was intense and completely out of both of our control. If we didn’t need to get out of here so quickly, I’d wrap her in my arms and just hold her until she felt better.

The car sputtered, drawing me from my thoughts. The speedometer needle began to drop as the car slowed.

I hit the wheel with my palm. “No, no, come on. Come on.”

It was no use. The car was out of gas, and we were stopping. I just hoped that we were far enough away that Mikey and the rest of the enforcers couldn’t find us.



I held my breath as Lincoln begged the car not to stop. It was a lost cause. The engine was dead, and the gas needle had dropped well below the E.

Tears pricked my eyes as the car stuttered and rolled slowly down the road. Lincoln mumbled curse words under his breath as he pleaded with the car to start again while repeatedly turning over the ignition. It refused to turn over and made a weird sound.

We’d run out of luck. He maneuvered the car to the side of the road and pressed the brakes, bringing us to a stop. He turned the key over a few more times, trying to get it to start again, but the car only cranked.

Lincoln banged his hand against the steering wheel, hitting the horn and making it honk loudly. I winced at the sound and turned to look behind us. There was no one there, but I had no idea how far we’d traveled.

Probably not far enough. Mikey would be out with his hounds, looking for us. I had no doubt about that. I just hoped we were far enough away that he couldn’t hear the blaring horn.

Lincoln fell back against the seat, and he scrubbed both hands down his face as he grumbled.

I reached over and put my hand on his arm. “Hey, we have to go. We can’t stay here.”
