Page 48 of Wolf Betrayed

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I let go of Lincoln’s hand and rolled it up and over my head. The cold air bit my skin when it was exposed, making me tremble and my teeth chatter. It made me wish that I’d worn something more than just a tank top underneath my hoodie. I tied my sweater up into a ball and put it up on my shoulder with one arm. Then I followed Lincoln into the rapids.

The icy water pierced my skin like needles. It took the breath right out of me. I sucked in my gut and held my breath, waiting for my body to adjust to the frigid temp.

Lincoln reached out for me and drew me closer until we were both waist deep. “It’ll get better once your body acclimates.”

I lifted my brow. I didn’t think I would ever acclimate to this kind of cold. “If you say so.”

Lincoln chuckled, and then turned so his back faced the direction of the current. “Come on. I’ll hold you, and we’ll let the current carry us down.”

I turned and pressed my back against him. I did my best to keep my sweater above the water so at least I would have something warm to put back on when we finally got out.

I could tell when Lincoln lifted his feet off the ground because the current swept us up, moving us quickly down the river. I leaned my head against his shoulder and grumbled when the water came up almost to my chin. So much for keeping my sweater dry.

Lincoln kissed my earlobe and then sucked it between his teeth, nibbling at it a little before he whispered, “Tell me about the beach you want to go to, Sloane. When this is all over, we can go to any one. We can go to every one. I just want to be with you and Sawyer. I don’t care where.”

I swallowed and tried to keep my teeth from chattering. “Any beach?”

“Any beach you want to go to, we can. Sawyer, me, and you. He doesn’t like the water, but I know he’ll want to go if it will make you happy.”

My teeth chattered violently. “I’m beginning to understand his aversion to water.”

Lincoln chuckled and kissed my neck. “It’ll be a warm beach.”

I knew what he was trying to do, and I appreciated it and loved him even more for it. “Right now, a nice sunny, hot beach in Hawaii sounds amazing.”

Lincoln squeezed me tighter, and I thought if he could push his body heat into me, he would. But he was just as frigid as I was.

“Hawaii, huh? I’ve heard it’s nice. Lots of places to run too. We could spend a few days at the beach and a few more lost in the wilderness just exploring their forests.”

I hadn’t even thought of the vast landscapes Hawaii had. “Yeah, that would be nice.”

I wasn’t sure if it was hypothermia starting to set in, or if my body was finally adjusting, but I didn’t feel as cold anymore.

Lincoln rested his chin on my shoulder. “Maybe the three of us could find a nice place in Hawaii and just stay there. What do you think about that?”

I let my mind wander with the possibilities of it. With everything going on right now, it didn’t sound so bad. We could run away and just escape it all. We wouldn’t have to worry about Alpha Dane or Mikey.

“There are no packs there, or at least I haven’t heard of any. It would just be the three of us.” My dad had a list of all the packs in the US. I didn’t remember ever seeing one there.

But could we do that? Run away and leave everyone here? No. I couldn’t leave my family, pack, and friends to that fate. We had to stand up and fight. Running would only prolong the inevitable. Alpha Dane would come for us.

“Would that be so bad, sweetheart?”

I sucked in a breath and thought about my answer. “No, but we can’t run away from these problems, as much as we’d like to. Someday I’d like to have a family, when this is all over, that is.”

Lincoln’s chest rumbled against me, and he rubbed his chin against my neck. His stubble prickled my skin, making me quiver in his embrace. “Sawyer and I would be honored, sweetheart.”

To prove his point, I could feel his cock hardening against me. Heat flooded me, and I could smell his arousal.

I wiggled my bottom against him, making him growl. I bit my lip to suppress a moan. We needed to keep our eyes and ears peeled for any signs of the Wolf Blood Pack.

I cleared my throat and forced my mind back to our conversation. “Not for a couple of years yet. I want to make sure it’s safe, and the war is over.”

Lincoln pressed his hips against me, his fingers digging into my hips. “I agree. This is no place to be raising a pup in.” He let out a heavy sigh. “How is Willa?”

I closed my eyes. As much as I envied Willa and her chance to have a family, the timing couldn’t be any worse. “She’s good. She and the baby are both fine. The infection is mostly gone now.”

“That’s good news. The last time I saw her, she was in really rough shape.”
