Page 40 of Fracture

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“I need to check in with my frat brothers. Do you want to come with me?”

Ev shakes her head. “Nah, I’m gonna find a place to sit.”

“Okay, I’ll find you in a few.” We split up and I walk around until I find where most of the guys are sitting. Lukas is there with his girlfriend, along with Felix and Keegan. I don’t see Bryson, but he already knows what’s up. I made sure to tell him after this week’s meeting.

“Everleigh is off limits, bro. No offense or anything.”

“Since when? Are you two dating or something?”

“Since now. It doesn’t matter if we’re dating. She’s not dating someone from the fraternity.”

“What are you, her dad or some shit?”

“I don’t want any trouble, man. Just lay off her, alright? There’s plenty of other chicks around campus.”

“Fine, whatever. It’s not worth the trouble anyways. She ain’t about to put out anytime soon. Waste of time if you ask me.”

I fight the urge to sock him one and instead walk away without saying another word. What a prick.

“What up, guys?” I make my way around, making sure to say hi to everyone. After a few minutes, I tell them I need to find my date and get another drink. “Felix, come with me?”

He nods and walks with me to the bar. “How’s it going?”

“Good. This party would be better though if it were you behind the bar.”

“Facts. But I can’t do them all. Especially not here without a proper bartending license. At least in this state, anyway.”

“Are you going to get yours?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. Right now, I’m just trying to graduate college. But I’ve got a favor to ask you.”

“Sure, anything for you, my man.”

“Everleigh needs a date for her cousin’s wedding so I’m gonna help her out like she’s been helping me. But her sister needs one too. You down? It's an open bar…” I hope the last part will seal the deal.

“Open bar, free food, and a pretty girl on my arm? I’m in.”

I clap him on the shoulder. “I knew I could count on you. It’s in January. I’ll get you the exact date.”

“Sounds good. Now go find your hot date before I do.” Felix throws a twenty on the bar for both of our drinks. I hand it back to him and put my own twenty down.

“Get out of here, silly guy.” I say and he walks back into the crowd over to where the guys are sitting. I grab a drink for Everleigh too and start looking for her. Eventually I find her at a booth in the back, sipping her drink and watching others dance.

I slide in on the opposite side and pass the drink her way.

Her eyes light up. “Perfect timing. I was about to grab another.”

“What can I say? I’m a great date.” I sip my drink, this one sweeter than the last but just as good.

“Totally the best.” Ev makes a face as she finishes her first drink.

“I saw that.”

“Saw what?” She bats her eyelashes.

How did I not see how beautiful she is before? Had I just not paid attention? Or maybe the attention I’m showing her is bringing her out of her shell.

Whatever it is, it’s driving me fucking crazy.
