Page 66 of Fracture

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Everleigh doesn’t answer and tension descends between us, between all of us. What the hell is going on?

“Ev, can you explain to me who this guy is? Are you hooking up with someone else besides me?”

“No, of course not. Leo is my ex boyfriend from high school. The one I told you about, remember?” She looks past me at Leo. “How the fuck did you get in here? How do you even know where I live?” Her voice raises to a much higher pitch than I’ve ever heard from her before. “Get out. I need to get dressed. You can wait for me in the living room.”

Leo turns and leaves, closing the door behind him.

“What the fuck? Is that guy a psycho or something?” I run my hands through my hair and sit on the side of the bed.

“Apparently he is now. How the hell did he even know where I lived? And who the hell just walks into someone’s apartment uninvited?” Ev pants as she gets dressed. She pushes her hair back from her face and paces in front of her bed.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fucking livid. Will you come with me to the living room? I’m going to ask him to leave. We haven’t spoken since he dumped me the night of senior prom four years ago.”

“Of course I’ll go with you. I can’t believe this douche dumped you on prom night. Who does that?”


I follow her out to the living room where this guy waits. He’s standing by the door looking awkward as fuck. He should be. He basically broke in.

“You better start explaining why the fuck you’re here.”

“Wow, has college really changed the goodie two shoes? I came because I want you back. I found out your address and I drove here. It’s not that hard to figure out. Someone let me in downstairs and your door was unlocked. When no one answered after knocking a few times, I walked in. What’s so bad about that? What I came here to tell you is that I’ve been with others and no one was as good as you.”

I watch her reaction for baited breath. She looks ready to explode.

“Are you joking? You show up here out of the blue, no call, no text, nothing. You seem like a psycho even knowing where I live. We haven’t spoken in four years since you left me on prom night. You really fucking thought you had a chance?”

“Of course I do. I’m rich now. I founded my own business and I can give you the dream life you want.”

Ev throws her hands up in the air. “Ew. You don’t know me at all, Leo. I’m not some shallow girl that only cares about money. I want love. I want friendship. I want passion.”

It’s the first time she’s revealed things about her and all of a sudden, I want to give it all to her. She deserves it and so much more. This bozo can’t give her shit besides materialistic items she doesn’t want.

“You want passion? Ha! You barely let me take your virginity and we never had sex again.”

Ev’s mouth drops open and her face turns crimson. “Then why the hell would you even want me?” She yells and all he does is grin, but it’s a slimy low life grin and it makes me want to punch him in the mouth.

You barely let me take your virginity and we never had sex again.

Did this fucker really just say what I think he said?

Ev was never a virgin?

But then why did she lie?

I’m so confused. I thought I took her virginity.

“Get out! Now! Before I call the police! You should’ve never come here. I don’t know why the fuck you did. Now get out!”

Leo holds his hands up as he walks backwards towards the door. “You were always a cold bitch anyways.”

I immediately charge at him. “Don’t you fucking talk to her like that. Get the fuck out of here before I drag you out myself.”

He rolls his eyes and flips me off. “Whatever, pretty dumb boy. You’re probably only using her. Have fun with that.” He slams the door behind him and Everleigh starts to cry.

I lock the door and walk over to Ev, taking her in my arms. “Don’t cry, Pookie. He’s an asshole.”
