Page 67 of Fracture

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“I still can’t believe he found out where I lived. So creepy. Probably paid someone.”

I rub her back. “Forget him. He comes around again, you call the police.” But one thing bugging me is why did she lie? Why didn’t she just tell me? Especially after I lied to her about the party, then apologized like crazy when all along she was still lying? Why?

“Ev, why did you lie about being a virgin?”

She steps out of my arms. “You’re really going to ask me about that right now?”

“Well yeah. I just don’t understand why you would keep lying about it.”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think it was a big deal. At first, it was just to get back at you for inviting me to that take a virgin party when you just assumed I was one.”

“When we had sex at the club, I felt bad that it was your first time, and turns out it wasn’t. What the hell, Ev? This is messed up. I don’t like liars.”

“I don’t either. And that’s exactly how you started our relationship. Let me ask you something. Why does it matter if I lost my virginity to you or someone else? Would you still have fucked me? Or was claiming my v card always your plan?”

“No, of course it wasn’t. But I felt bad you lost it in a dark club hallway.”

“How bad did you feel? Because you still did it.”

“You seemed pretty eager yourself. I was giving you what I thought you wanted.”

“This is ridiculous. I’m sorry I lied. It’s the only thing I haven’t been truthful about.”

“How do I know that?”

“How do I know you’re not lying about something?”

“Because I’m not a liar.”

Everleigh rolls her eyes but this time it’s not cute. It’s fucking annoying.



“Just say it, Ev. What?”

“Lennox said she saw you bring a girl home one night. This was a long time ago, before we hooked up at my cousin’s wedding, but I didn’t know you were still sleeping around the whole time. It hurt.”

“Back then, we were nothing more than two people helping each other who hooked up once and didn’t want to again. I have needs. I’m human.”

“Did you sleep with girls the whole time?”

“What’s the whole time?”

“When was the last time you were with someone besides me?”

“Before we started hooking up on the regular. Last time I checked, you weren’t my girlfriend and we didn’t officially make things exclusive.”

Ev’s mouth drops open and her tears flow again. “Goodnight, Landon. I’m going to bed.”

“Fine. Whatever. I don’t understand why you’re mad at me when you’re the one who's been lying the whole time.”

“At least I wasn’t being a whore.”

“I’ve never hid who I was like you apparently do. You know what? I don’t have time for this bullshit. Exactly why I would never want a relationship.” Without looking at her, I leave, making sure to slam the door when I do.

Chapter 18
