Page 68 of Fracture

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As soon as Landon leaves, I lock the door, drop to the floor, and sob. See? See what happens when you let your guard down?

You get hurt.

I should’ve told him I wasn’t a virgin from the beginning but back then, I thought he deserved it. I still think he does for assuming I was one in the first place, but he doesn’t deserve to be lied to. He never did. No one does.

What hurts the most is the confirmation he was hooking up with others while we were fake dating. I know it was only fake but how could he go to a party with me, drop me off, and then go hook up with some random girl?

It’s expected. It’s Landon. Did I really expect him to give up his player boy ways?

But that’s the thing…he did give them up.

Since we started hooking up on the regular, he’s only been with me. And I believe him. Holden told me he’s never seen him act like this before. It’s like he’s a different person.

Lennox said I walk around here with my head in the clouds. I tell her she’s crazy and it’s her own love crazy self projecting onto me.

Could Landon and I become something? Would he commit to me? Would I commit to him?

And Leo…what the fuck was all that about?

I drag my ass to the bathroom where I take a long hot shower and drown my tears.

After I put on clean pajamas and climb into bed, I call Bella and fill her in on everything that happened.

She confirms Leo is a psycho. As far as Landon?

“I can’t believe you two won’t just admit you’re madly in love with each other. Everyone sees it. So he hooked up with girls when you weren’t? He stopped since you have, that’s the most important. And he can get over the little virgin lie. It’s stupid. Now call him and admit your undying love before I do it. He makes you happy, sis. Stop torturing yourself. He’s not Leo.”

“I’m scared, Bells.”

“I know, Ev. So is he. Be scared together.”

It takes me a few days to work up the nerve to talk to him. He doesn’t reach out to me either which only makes me question myself. He said he never wanted a relationship, so I should just leave it. The fake dating was coming to an end anyway with graduation approaching so maybe it’s best to cut our losses.

“How long are you going to mope around here before you just go talk to him?”

“It’s only been a few days.”

“That’s long enough. I hate seeing you sad.”

“I’m not sad.”

“Yes you are. So is Landon.”

My head snaps up. “How do you know?”

“Holden. How else?”

“I doubt it’s about me. He has plenty of girls to go back to. He said he never wants a relationship. Why set myself up for hurt?”

“He was talking out his ass to protect himself. He’s probably scared shitless he’s actually having feelings for a girl.”

“I wouldn’t even know what to say to him.”

“You say- I love you, you love me. Now let’s fuck.”

I laugh and it feels good, better than this heavy sadness. “It’s not that easy.”

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