Page 36 of Delicate

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“You will. While the scars may not ever go away, it doesn’t matter. They make you who you are. They show what you’ve endured. You may think your scars make you delicate, but all I see is a strong woman who knows what she wants.”

“How?” Maia whispers through more tears.

“Because I see what’s deep inside. Not just on the surface level.”

* * *

“So you said you’d like to help at the orphanage, right?” Maia asks as we walk back to our apartment together.


“Does that offer still stand?”

“Of course it does. Why, what’s up?”

“Remember I told you about the Thanksgiving dinner we have there?”

“Yes, you need help with it?”

“Mm-hmm. Mainly with prep, set up, and cooking. You’re welcome to eat with us, too, as a thanks for volunteering. That is if you’re free. I didn’t know if you already had plans, seeing as this is kind of last minute.”

“Nope, I’m free as a bird. Not like the one we’ll be eating.”

She laughs at my stupid joke. “Are you free before Thursday? Preferably Wednesday? That’s when we need the most help.”

“Yep. I don’t have any lessons this week since the shop is closed for the holiday. I’m all yours.”

“Good. We need all the help we can get.”

I walk Maia to her door, and we say good night. When I’m back in my apartment, Landon’s mixing drinks in the kitchen. Holden and Remi are sitting at the table.

“Yooooo, Rhett! What the hell happened to your hand, man?” Landon puts his drink shaker down on the counter and walks over to me.

“It’s nothing. I hurt it while surfing.” I fib.

Landon looks at me like I’m full of shit. Dammit, I never was much of a liar.

“It’s true,” I try again.

“You can’t bullshit a bullshit artist, bro. What the hell happened?”

“Are you some kind of daredevil now?” Holden asks. “You’re usually careful.”

“Remi? What’s your take?” Landon walks back to the counter and picks his shaker back up.

Remi scratches his chin. “Hmm. Sorry, man. I gotta agree with them.”

“You all suck,” I say as I sit down at the table. “Fine. I punched someone.”

“Dude! You did?” Landon claps and hollers. “Let’s go.”

“Why are you cheering like it’s a good thing?” Remi shakes his head.

“Are you alright?” Holden asks.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It was a little swollen earlier, so I’ve been icing it on and off.” I unwrap the gauze and pull the ice pack off. My hand is bruised, and two knuckles are swollen. It throbs with pain.

“Ouch,” Holden says. “You should have a drink.”

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