Page 37 of Delicate

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“I second that,” Landon says as he walks over with a tray full of drinks. “And that's more than a little swollen. You should get it checked out.”

“Nah, I’m sure it’s fine.” I flex my fingers, and the pain worsens. Fuck.

“It could be broken, Rhett. Who the hell did you punch anyway?” Holden asks before he sips his drink.


There’s a collective gasp, and Landon coughs, choking on his drink.

“Bro, no way. The dude that’s always hanging around Landon’s frat?” Holden asks.

“He dates Maia, right?” Remi chimes in.

“Yep, that’s the one.”

“No way, man, what the fuck? I will say that dude is a dickhead.” Landon gulps half his drink down. “Damn, that’s good if I do say so myself.” He wipes the back of his hand across his mouth and grins.

“And that’s exactly why he got punched.” I try my drink, and it’s pretty damn tasty. I drink more in hopes it dulls the pain. “He treats Maia like shit.”

“Yeah. I’ve seen him with different girls before, recently, actually. Acting like he’s hot shit,” Holden says. “I told Lennox about it, she asked Maia, and Maia claims they’re all just friends. I don’t believe it.”

“I don’t, either. He deserved a broken nose and then some. If only Maia hadn’t stopped me.”

“Damn.” Landon whistles. “Shit’s crazy.”

“Yep. But I’d do it all over again if I had to. Fuck that asshole.” I raise my glass.

The three of them join me in a cheers for telling assholes to fuck off, and we drink to it.

I’ll cheers to that any fucking day.

Chapter 13


After Rhett and I said good night from our walk on the beach, I went straight to bed. I lie there and stare at the ceiling. My alarm is set for early in the morning so I can work on my paper and study for my psych exam. But do I fall asleep?


I can’t stop thinking about how the events of earlier unfolded. How it spiraled so out of control so fast. And how quickly it was repaired.

Well, sort of.

Kissing Rhett and dumping Alex were not in today’s forecast. Neither was Rhett punching the shit out of Alex.

Yet to be free of Alex feels good. Having a friend there for me and to protect me, one like Rhett who's funny and good looking, feels good.

So why is my head screaming—nothing feels good, you’re fucked up!

Because, unfortunately, it's the truth.

All my beliefs about love, my inner romantic, my dreamer side, all of it has burned to the ground. Up in smoke like they never existed in the first place. Love fucking hurts. Love leaves you broken. Love leaves you scarred.

I no longer want love like I used to think I did. Not if it’ll hurt me again. Not like Alex.

Tears threaten to spill over.

I loved Alex. I really loved Alex.
