Page 51 of Delicate

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My stomach twirls. Fuck I’m such a baby. Maia’s right.

“Less scary or no Lysol for you,” I say as I place the pillow down on the small table and grab one of the motel key cards.

“Okay, so The Ring?”

“Ha ha, very funny,” I say as I click the door shut behind me. I smile all the way to the main office.

She just has that effect on me. And I love every minute of it.

* * *

The following morning is Christmas Eve, and we’ve got a lot of road ahead of us. We follow the same routine as the day before, stopping for lunch and dinner and finding a place to crash. We’re almost in Texas, having driven through California, across Arizona, and into New Mexico.

Maia plays Christmas carols, and we name our favorite Christmas movies. When we stop for dinner, we each order a surprise meal for the other. Kind of like a surprise gift.

We’ve talked about everything under the sun, so of course I know what to order for her, a grilled chicken Caesar salad, and she nails me spot-on with the burger she orders for me.

Before stopping at our motel for the night, we take a detour and run into a Walmart. We load up on snacks and drinks to replenish what we’ve already gone through, and we also pick out one gift for each other.

I don’t want her to wake up Christmas morning with nothing to open. I could give a shit about myself, but Maia needs to know she deserves a great holiday every year.

Tonight, she convinces me to watch Signs. More of a thriller, edge-of-your-seat type movie. Much better than last night’s pick. Let me tell you, The Exorcist shouldn’t ever be the horror newbie’s first movie. Thankfully, it didn’t ruin my sleep. But it definitely wasn’t for the weak, and I’ll die a happy man if I never see that movie again.

When I wake up the next morning, Maia is still sleeping. I take out my gift and place it on the nightstand beside her bed. Then I quietly dress and go in search of some much-needed coffee. It’s another long day of driving, and on Christmas Day, no less. But tomorrow, we only have about six or seven hours left, so once I get through today, the rest is cake.

On my way to find coffee, I call my parents and wish them a Merry Christmas.

“Oh Rhett! I wish you were here!” Mom says.

“Me too. But I’ll be there tomorrow. We can have a celebration then.”

“Yes, yes, we should be able to. Just with all of the wedding stuff going on, I hope I get a moment to spend with you. You know how it is. These big events take so much time and planning…” She goes on and on, and I tune her out while I unlock my car and get in.

“I know, Ma. I’ll see you guys soon, okay? Love you and Merry Christmas!” I cut the conversation short and instantly feel guilty. But it’ll be nonstop wedding as soon as I arrive home, so I was kind of hoping she wouldn't talk about it. Of course my dad couldn’t be bothered with anything more than a hi. He’s not a phone person, and I know this, but it still irks me. It’s Christmas, for fuck’s sake.

With a sigh, I pull up Google and search for the closest open coffee shop. Considering it’s the biggest holiday of the year, there isn’t much selection. But I get lucky. The closest one, five minutes down the street, is open.

When I get back to the room, Maia’s still sleeping. But it’s almost eight, and I want to get on the road soon, so I slightly shake her to wake her up.

She moans as she rolls over. “No, not yet,” she whines and pulls the covers over her head.

“Merry Christmas, sleepyhead! It’s our last long day of driving. Let’s get it.”

Maia whips the covers off and shoots me a nasty look. Damn, if looks could kill, I’d be on the floor not breathing.

“Aw, don’t you look so cute when you’re grumpy.”

“Bah humbug,” she grunts and pulls the covers up again.

“No bah humbugging allowed. I got us some breakfast. Come see!”

She sits up and looks around. “Food?”

“Yep. From a bakery. Yummy.”

“Are you done talking to me like I’m a little kid who won’t get out of bed?”

I smirk and tilt my head to the side. “Umm, well, let’s see…”
