Page 68 of Cody

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“I understand. Have a good day.” Cody nodded before stepping outside and taking in the scenery. It was a beautiful place. He walked down the porch steps.

“Mr. Haines?”

He turned to see Becca on the porch.


“I can’t tell you if she’s here or not, but I can assure you she is not currently registered as a guest,” Becca informed him.

“So, she’s not staying here?” Cody clarified.


“Thanks, Becca. Have a great day.” He smiled, hopped into his truck, and drove home.

Later that evening, as he lounged on the couch watching TV, he heard a vehicle pull up outside. He got up and made his way to the kitchen window to see who it was. His mouth dropped open when he saw Gwyn stepping out of her car. He hurriedly opened the door and stepped out onto the porch.

“What are you doing here, Gwyn?”

“I’m looking for you. Why else?” She climbed the steps.

“Well, you found me. What do you want?”

As she drew closer, he instinctively moved back, and she let out a sigh.

“Cody, I think we made a mistake breaking up again. I miss you.”

“You miss my money.”

“It was never about the fucking money,” she snapped.

“Bullshit. It was always about the money. Once I asked you to sign a prenup, you bolted.”

“Because asking me to sign that showed that you didn’t trust me.”

“I asked you to sign it because I wasn’t going to lose my ranch or my hard-earned money. You know how much work I put into making that kind of money.”

“But you ended up selling the ranch anyway.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t get a single penny from it, did you? And that’s what really bothers you.”

“That’s not true. Cody, please, can we just talk about this?”

“There’s nothing to discuss.” He walked back to the door, turned the knob and gestured for her to leave, but she crossed her arms, staring at him defiantly. He let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m with someone now. I’ve moved on. You should too.”

“Oh, you mean your little pharmacist?”

“Leave Addison out of this,” he snapped.

“You’re the one who mentioned her. She’s not your type.”

“What do you mean by that? A decent woman who isn’t interested in my money?”

“It wasn’t about the money!”

“Just go away, Gwyn. This is finished. I was a fool for you twice, but I refuse to be fooled again.”

“You’ll regret this.”
