Page 71 of Cody

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“No doubt about that.” Cody chuckled. “Let’s eat and then head to bed early so we can go for a ride tomorrow morning.”

“I am pretty tired.” She yawned and rested her head on his shoulder.

He kissed her head, picked up his burger and bit into it.

“Even warmed up, they’re the best,” he said once he chewed and swallowed.

After they finished eating and cleaning the kitchen, they watched a little TV, then went to bed.

Cody woke Addison up early the next morning.

“Let’s get going, darlin’,” he said.

She groaned and buried herself under the covers, making Cody laugh.

“Come on, you were excited to go riding,” he reminded her.

“Maybe I didn’t mean horses,” she mumbled from under the blankets.

But Cody pulled them down to tell her that it was snowing outside.

“What?” Addison exclaimed, sitting up in bed.

“It just started. We should go before it gets too heavy.”

“Can’t we skip today and stay inside? I’ll make it up to you,” Addison pleaded, not wanting to face the cold weather.

“How could I say no to that? We’ll do whatever you want, Addison. Since we’re staying in, I’ll make us a big breakfast.” Cody promised.

Addison waved her hand dismissively and flopped back onto the bed, pulling the blankets back over her head. Cody shook his head amusedly and left the room, heading to the kitchen to cook them breakfast. They spent the day cuddled up watching movies while the snow fell outside. It was a perfect and cozy day indoors.


Addison arrived at her store on Thursday morning and turned on the lights before making her way to her office. She put her purse in the safe and went back to the front to check the fax machine for any new prescriptions.

Kinley and another employee walked in, waving at Addison as they got to work. The snow had melted and the roads were clear, but more was forecasted for later. Hopefully, it wouldn’t cause any problems.

As the day went on, they stayed busy with a constant stream of customers coming in and out. It was a welcome distraction from other things on Addison’s mind.

“How was your day off?” Kinley asked as she filled a prescription.

“I spent it with Cody. We talked and everything is fine now.”

“That’s great news.”

“Gwyn showed up at his house, but he told her it was over and to leave.” Addison clenched her jaw and shook her head. “He doesn’t think she’ll listen though. He expects her to cause trouble.”

“Well, she needs to take a hint.” Addison nodded but didn’t reply as she searched for medication in the aisle. The door chimed again, signaling another customer walking in.

Kinley whispered urgently beside her, “Addison?”

“What is it?”

“Gwyn is here.”


“I can ask her what she wants.”
