Page 27 of Rhodie

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“I’ve never had it like that before,” he whispers in my ear. I turn in his lap, him slipping out of my body. He holds me close, and I nestle my head between his shoulder and jaw.

“Me neither. Do you think it’s because it’s you and me? Do you think that’s why it felt like that?” I look up into his blue eyes, wanting to know if he feels what I feel, even though I’m not sure what you would call this feeling.

“Yeah, Chewy. I think it’s because it’s you and me. And we’re special together.” He gives me a big smile and then kisses me on the lips. We cuddle for a bit and then I get up to pee because no one wants a UTI. By the time I come back, I see Rhodie has found the linen cupboard and changed the sheet, which makes me want to celebrate because I was certain I was going to have to roll his huge ass into the wet spot.

He’s lying on his back with one hand behind his head, staring at me. I don’t usually like people looking at me too much, but Rhodie’s different. I like him looking at me and smiling at my antics. Deciding to play up to him, I give a saucy (I think it is) walk around the bed before yelling “CANNONBALL!” and diving into the bed. He throws his head back in laughter and then wrestles me into position, his arm around me, my head on his shoulder, one leg thrown over his. He gives me a kiss on my head and then murmurs, “Good night, sweet girl. Thank you for the best first date ever.” I give him a kiss on his chest before snuggling in and listening to the slow thump of his heart.

Chapter 13


Icome awake with a start and look down at the woman beside me. Chewy is still sound asleep, but instead of nestled into my side like she was when we fell asleep, she now has her head on her own pillow, hair all over the place, and her arm and leg thrown over my body, essentially pinning me down.

Somewhere in the shadows, I can feel eyes watching me, and as I slowly look around the room, letting my eyes adjust, I see three big fuckers standing there. The widest one, which I’m guessing is Jules, points to the doorway and then leaves the room, the other two following him without making a sound. I slide out from under Chewy, smiling when I hear her make a wee grunting noise, but then she rearranges herself and goes back to gently snoring. I throw on my jeans and tip-toe out of the room, gently closing the door so as not to wake her. I make my way through the open front door and out onto the porch to face down Chewy’s brothers.

“So, fucker, what happened to treating our sister with respect?” Jules starts off. I can feel myself getting irritated. What the fuck? “I always treat her with respect!”

“Oh yeah, do you always fuck the women you respect on the first date?”

“I wouldn’t know! I’ve never been on a date, you dick!” Gus hits Jules in the gut with a backhand, essentially shutting him up. It’s around this time I notice Tav is just sitting in one of Chewy’s rocking chairs, rocking back and forth, looking troubled.

“What the hell is wrong with him?” I ask no one in particular. Tav finally looks my way, murder in his eyes as he walks to stand directly in front of me. His usual carefree demeanor changed to anger, something I’d never seen from the big man. In a measured, quiet voice, he whispers,

“Do you know how traumatizing it is to be on your evening walk, enjoying the quiet night sky, all to hear the pure terror in your baby sister’s voice as she screams ‘What the fuck Rhodie WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY VAGINA??!!!’” With this, he lets out a shudder “Are you a gynecologist? Because that is the only reason I can think of that you’d need to be anywhere near her lady garden tonight!” He rubs a hand down his face and I open my mouth, then close it again, before opening it,

“I thought you guys were all cool with me seeing Chewy?”

“We are in theory, but as you can see, it’s taking a bit of an adjustment to get used to this. This is a first for all of us, Tuesday seeing someone in this manner. Tuesday is, well, you know what she is. She doesn’t have many people close to her that aren’t us. If this is only short term, we would rather you quit it now before she’s in too deep.” I nod my head in understanding at Gus. They’re overprotective as shit, but I’m glad to know that my Chewy comes from this type of family.

“Look, guys, I get it, I do, but this isn’t a one-time thing for me. If I have my way, I’m going to be your neighbor in the very near future.” I throw them all a smirk and a raised eyebrow. Tav lets out an anguished sound whilst Jule’s mouth is opening and closing like a fish. Gus, however, just gives me a grin and a head nod.

“Come on brothers, get some sleep. We have a little rat to track in a few hours.” With that he shoves both his brothers off the porch. Not before Tav gets in my face once more.

“You either need to stay away from her down belows or soundproof this place because I can’t handle hearing anything more outta there.” he jabs a finger at Chewy’s house before stalking off.

I shake my head as I chuckle to myself and go back in. Locking the door to stop any unwanted brothers or Pops, I kick off my jeans and slide back into bed with my girl. I like the sound of that. I pull her into my arms and curl my body around her, and putting my nose in her hair, the scent of her shampoo filling my lungs.

I must have fallen asleep after my early morning chat with her brothers because when I roll over and crack my eye open, it’s to see Tuesday’s lush ass bent over as she grabs something off the floor.

“Where you off to, babe?” My voice coming out in a growl.

“The shower. I have to get all your jizz off me.” She smirks at me over her shoulder.

“Hold up then baby, I’m coming too. I’m sure I can help with that” She bolts upright before shaking her head, her curls bouncing from side to side.

“No way, big man, I don’t do shower sex.” I can feel my eyebrows creep toward my hairline.

“What do you mean you don’t ‘do’ shower sex?”

“I mean I don’t do it. It’s never good. The water is either too hot or too cold. You,” she jabs her finger in my direction, “are massive. Which means you’ll block all the water. If I’m on my knees sucking you off, then it’s pretty much waterboarding because all the water will be in my face AND I’ll have a fat dick in there essentially cutting off any air. It’s a bloody nightmare. I don’t do shower sex or sauna sex.” I can feel the massive grin on my face.

“Ok, so no shower or sauna sex. What else?” her eyebrows draw together and her nose wrinkles while she thinks. This girl is fucking adorable and I wonder if I should be concerned because the way my thoughts are going I’ll be crying over puppies on tik tok at this rate.

“I think that’s it. I don’t think I’ll be a fan of fucking in the bath, but for the right person, I’m sure I can overlook the wet queefs that will probably happen afterward.” She stares right at me before both our grins spread across our faces.

“Better run the tub then, babe.”

“On it!” she yells over her shoulder. I watch as her shapely ass jiggles its way into the bathroom with a goofy as fuck grin on my face.
