Page 28 of Rhodie

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An hour and about a dozen towels later, we are both dressed and standing on her porch. I pull her into my arms and her stiff body relaxes against me.

“I wasn’t sure if it was OK to hug you or not,” she murmurs into my chest. I pull back to look at her.

“Of course you can. I’m yours, babe. You can do whatever you like with me.” I see a sly smile play on her lips before she stands on her tiptoes and pulls my head down to meet her lips. We kiss gently before being interrupted by gagging sounds. I look around to see Tav on his porch leaning over the rail pretending to hurl. Chewy jabs a finger in his direction.

“You can shut it. Do you know how many times I’ve had to see bimbo MILFs leaving your house in hardly any clothes, smudged mascara, and crazy-ass hair?” Bimbo MILFs? I feel like there’s a story there I need to know. She then turns to look at Jules on his porch. Before he can even open his mouth, she starts in on him.

“And don’t you start. Do you know how many threesomes and foursomes and moresomes I’ve heard coming out of your place? Too fucking many!” Jules’ eyes are wide and he backs back into his cabin, shutting the door quietly behind him. Gus’s voice drifts over from his porch.

“Dayz, it’s just a new thing for us OK? No hard feelings, we’ll lay off.” She squints her eyes at him. The only word she speaks is the word “Sir”. He squints back and nods at her once before going back to drinking his coffee. Damn, I’m getting the feeling that the whole Tombs family is a lot kinkier than they look.

“I have to go to work today. Me and the guys are going to be tracking the Death Rider we caught last night. I’m sure we’ll be reporting to Marx what we find.”

“I’ve got church as soon as I get back. Marx has reached out to Savage, Pres of the Death Riders. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get some answers. Kraykowski hanging over us is pissing me off.” She bobs her head at me and I kiss her again before heading down her porch steps and straddling my bike. She watches me as I crank my baby, then sends me a broad smile and waves in the goofiest manner I’ve ever seen. I smile at her before I touch a hand to my chest and then point at her. Then I turn my bike around, riding out of her drive and heading back to the clubhouse.


I knock on Gus’ office door and head on in. I’ve been researching as much as I could find on Katya, which was sweet FA, so I think we’re gonna have to head to the dark web to find her. My brother knows I hate it, there’s so much human garbage on there that it raises my blood pressure and makes me very stabby, so the best way to go about this is to get Socks involved as well and we can divide and conquer, meaning less time for me to add more and more names to my kill list.

“Yo, what’s up, chicken butt?” I smile at my brother’s welcome. He’s been saying that since I was little.

“I’m at a dead end on all the legal ways to find a person, so if you could contact Socks, we can hopefully divide and conquer the dark web.” Gus nods his head at me.

“So definitely nothing of any worth that you can find?” I shake my head at him.

“Nothing at all. Which is weird in and of itself. If I’m reading the patterns correctly, I’d say she’s had someone very powerful help her disappear, or-”

“She’s dead?” Gus asks. I’m hoping she’s not because, from what I did find, she was a sweet, shy girl.

“Yeah.” He curses under his breath.

“Right, I’ll contact Socks now. You go get started and see what you find.” I give him a salute, but before I can head back to my desk I hear Gus ask,

“Dayz, does Rhodie make you happy?” I think about this for a moment. I don’t really know what he’s asking.

“How do you mean?”

He thinks for a moment.

“Does he make your belly feel all swirly when you see him? Do you feel a little sweaty or maybe a bit nervous when he touches you? Maybe you see something funny and he’s the person you want to show it to?” I think about what he’s asking, and it’s like he’s inside my brain. I have been feeling all of those things! Perhaps it’s a universal thing, where people feel like this when they spend time with someone special. I’ve read the definition of limerence before, how initial attraction makes you feel and think, but other than the physiological effects, other things are going on inside me when I think of Rhodie. I want to know what he’s doing and if he’s having fun. I want to make him laugh. I have this weird need to make sure he is okay and protect him from bad things, like the MC members from the other night. I tell Gus all of this, and he smiles my favorite smile. It’s soft or something, one he doesn’t use very often, but I’ve had it pointed at me enough times to know I like it.

“Well, it sounds like you might be falling in love, baby sis.” I’m not too sure what to think of this. I feel like I should be panicked, but I’m not feeling that. I am feeling a bit confused, so I just nod at my big brother, who thankfully doesn’t say anything. He gives me a small smirk as I turn around and hotfoot it back to my office, where I google “Falling in love” for the next hour or so.

I’m deep in the hole looking for symptoms of love when Gus knocks on my door and wanders in, followed by Jules and Tav. I wave at them and try to refocus my thoughts. I’m feeling pretty relaxed about that wee bomb that Gus dropped on me. I’m fairly certain I’m ticking all the boxes of love, and I hope Rhodie feels the same. But we have lots of time to investigate what’s going on between us, so I’ll just think about that at a later date.

“What’s up, losers? Why are you all in here? Got some new info?” I swing around in my chair and eyeball all three of my brothers.

“Well, the MC douche ran back to his compound and has actually done little of interest since. Very minimal findings, but we’ll go into what we have at the Clubhouse. We’re meeting Marx in half an hour.” Tav lets me know.

“Oooook. So why are you all here, then?” They all three look at each other before Gus clears his throat.

“How well do you know Socks?” I raise my brow at this because as hackers, you only know as much as the other person lets you know.

“Well, as you know, hackers aren’t the most open people you come across. However, I get on well with Socks and we speak most weeks, offering tips or info here and there. We have a pretty good work relationship. We might be friends but I haven’t asked that yet, so I’m not sure. Oh, we recommend romance novels to each other, then chat about them.” I watch my brother’s nod again. “Whyyyyy?” Gus and Jules share a look.

“Well, that would be because once I contacted Socks and gave them the name of the person we are looking for and why, Socks asked a series of interesting questions and then demanded we meet in person. Not here though,”

“Well, where then?”

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