Page 35 of Rhodie

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“Oh, you’ll have to talk to Gus or Jules. They handle our accounts, so they’ll let you know.”

“I think you misunderstand. How much for you to permanently and exclusively join my organization?” I shake my head at him, slightly speechless. I could never leave my brothers to work for the Bratva. Would I lend them my services? Absolutely. But I could never work anywhere my brothers weren’t, and I tell Roman this. My future comprises my pops, my brothers, and now Rhodie and his brothers.

“I’ll leave you to think about it. I think that between my business and your skills, we could come to a very lucrative arrangement.”

“No, it’s ok.” I smile up at him so he doesn’t think I’m abrupt or rude. He gives me an odd look before the door slams open and Marx storms in with Rhodie, Rider, and a sheepish-looking prospect. I share a look with Tav and Jules and know this has Pops written all over it. The only other person who doesn’t look overly pissed or concerned is Lexi. How interesting.

“So, it seems Pops has set off on his goddamned own on a mission to be kidnapped by the fucking car that has been doing drive-bys all damn week!” I’m trying really hard not to laugh as Marx runs his giant paw of a hand over his face and tries to control his breathing.

“So, I have a compound full of people; MC, Security specialists and Bratva all working together to bring down this motherfucker. All listening to instructions and fulfilling their roles, like Gus, who was given instructions to retrieve a package and has now found himself waiting for extraction - Roman, we’re bringing your secretary in with him for safety,” Roman gives a swift nod at this information.

“- everyone working together whilst the oldest fucker in this clubhouse, has waltzed off into the sunset to lure a fucking criminal. Prospect! I need a drink.” He stomps to the bar, throws back a shot, then taps for another. Once this one has gone down the hatch, he turns around to look at my brothers and me.

“We’ll get him back. Trust me. We’ll deal with Gus first, then Pops. Collect all the addresses that Kraykowsi frequents so we can make a start.”

“You know, I’m sure Pops will be fine for a while. I wouldn’t worry too much about him if I were you.” Tav manages to get out around his smirk. Marx and Roman both raise their eyebrows at our nonchalance over our grandfather’s actions, but we seriously aren’t worried. Rhodie seems to be more concerned than we are.

“You gonna be ok baby? I know you and Pops are close.” Rhodie pulls me into his warm embrace after kissing my temple. I snuggle in because it feels so nice, and then speak directly into his chest.

“He’ll be fine, babe. Pops is tougher than a cheap steak.” He snorts beneath me.

“Did you just call me babe?” I nod, with my face still in his chest. The name feels odd, but it’s something I’ve seen and heard other couples say and I want to try it out.

“I’m trying something new.”

“I like it, Chewy. Keep it up.” I smile to myself and snuggle in.

I hear a rumble of bikes and before too long Rhodie’s brothers Sniper, Judge, Tank, and Switch walk in, with Gus and Roman’s secretary in tow. I walk over to my brother and he puts his arm around me and pulls me to his side. He smells like pine and outside fresh air and I giggle to myself when I remember what he’s been through.

“Everyone, this is my most trusted friend and secretary, Ana Adams.” I smile and wave to her and I’m pretty certain I hear my brother mutter “pain in the ass” under his breath. Well, well, well, isn’t this an interesting turn of events? She smiles back at everyone, tips her head and says hello. She’s incredibly pretty, with dark hair, and tanned skin, around the same height as me, and built similarly but much classier in her business attire, and weirdly enough, hiking boots. She acknowledges us and then Wire asks the million-dollar question,

“What accent is that?” She smiles up at him and then whips her head in Gus’ direction when we all hear an audible growl from him. She scowls before turning back and smiling.

“It’s a New Zealand accent.”

“Wait, like Lord of the Rings New Zealand? What’s your house look like? Is yours built into the hills?” Rider asks, eyes as wide as saucers. She looks him directly in the eye and answers.

“Yes. We all live in tiny houses carved into the hills. I’m actually from Hobbiton myself. I’m the tallest person in my family.” Rider’s eyes get even bigger, and I see Lexi roll her eyes at him.

“Wait, really?”

“No. We have normal houses, dude. What is it with Americans asking me that?” She turns towards Roman, shaking her head as everyone gives Rider shit about his lack of international knowledge.

Ana untucks and pulls up her blouse, revealing a thick, plain manila envelope tucked into the top of her trousers and hands it over to Roman.

“This is what Petrov delivered. According to him, this is Kraykowski’s shot at the big time and the best chance you have to find him.”

Marx motions Roman into his office with the package while Gus places a gentle hand on Ana’s lower back and motions for her to follow him to the bar. Wire plops down on the couch sandwiching me between him and Rhodie.

“So Rider, a big fan of the Hobbit, huh?”

Chapter 17


It’s been half an hour since Marx and Roman went into his office. Gus finally joined them after settling Ana with a drink and giving all the men in the room the stink eye. I think he has designs on that woman and I think she thinks he’s an idiot. I also think she’s seriously cock blocking me. She’s stolen Chewy away from me and they’re sitting up at the bar with Katya and Roman’s husband Sasha, drinking and having animated conversations.

I had plans to take my woman up to my room to decompress and have a bit of fun, seeing as there isn’t much we can do right at this minute. Oddly, neither she nor her brothers seem to be panicked about the fact that Pops has gone and gotten himself kidnapped. If I’m being honest, I’m not either. I have a feeling that he’s out there, causing all sorts of problems for Kraykowksi and his men.
