Page 12 of Warlander Grizzly

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“Everything is going to be okay, kiddo,” she said.

Lucia squeezed her eyes tightly closed at how good it felt to hear that.

Sometimes a person just needed to hear something different and hopeful.

The flames of the trailer park flashed against the backs of her eyelids.

God, she hoped Mom was right.

Chapter Four

Lucia raised her hand to knock on the door of Cadence and Kru’s single-wide trailer, but then changed her mind. Again.

She’d been watching for the last hour. Cadence had just gotten home from her shift at Willa’s Worms, and it had taken Lucia the entirety of that hour to build up the courage to meander over to her home and ask a favor.

She angled her face this way and that, stretching her neck and popping her spine. Here we go. She lifted her hand to knock again, but the thought of asking Cadence for what she was going to ask for mortified her into yanking her fist away from the door.

“Screw this,” she muttered, and did an about-face and jogged down the stairs. She hesitated in the front yard and turned toward the door, and that’s when she saw the blinds of the front window were open and Cadence was just sitting there with her elbows on the windowsill, her palms cupping her cheeks as she watched Lucia.

“What are you looking at!” Lucia barked. “Your face is stupid.”

She stomped toward her trailer across the way.

The creaking of the door sounded right before Cadence called out, “I’ve been waiting this whole time for you to knock.”

“Well then why didn’t you just open the door?”

“Because you need training.”

“On what?” Lucia’s voice echoed through the woods.

“On manners?” Cadence said.

Lucia snorted and crossed her arms over her chest, stared at the woods and snorted again.

“Ask me politely.”

Lucia slid a glare to her.

Cadence’s blonde eyebrows arched up near her bleach-blonde hairline. “Ask nicely.”

“I need some of your slutty clothes.” She peeled her lips back over her teeth in an attempt to smile.

Cadence looked disturbed. “Now say please.”

“Please,” Lucia gritted out through clenched teeth.

“You’ve come to the right place,” Cadence said, gesturing her inside.

“I know I have. You probably have an entire wardrobe of ho-clothes,” Lucia muttered.

“I know that deep down, you aren’t this judgmental.”

“I know deep down you have more self-esteem than a woman who needs to have half her tits exposed every time she leaves the house.”

“At least follow your insults with something nice!” Cadence demanded.

Lucia sighed and rolled her eyes. “You have nice cleavage.”
