Page 13 of Warlander Grizzly

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Cadence offered her a flattered smile. “Thank you. Now, was that so hard?”

“My soul hurts and I almost choked on the words.”

“You’re being dramatic. Sit down there,” Cadence ordered, pointing to a chair in the corner of the bedroom. “What is the occasion?”

“Kru isn’t going to come home anytime soon, right?”

“It’s just us girls for the next hour.”

“Good. I threw a breakfast sandwich at him yesterday. I think he’s still mad at me.”

“I guarantee he’s not. He ate it.”

“Ate what?”

“The breakfast sandwich. He came home from work yesterday chewing on something, and when I asked him, he said there was a half-eaten breakfast sandwich in the yard and he didn’t want it going to waste.”

Lucia pulled a face. Men were gross.

Cadence held up a slinky black dress. “What size boobs do you have?”

Lucia’s scowl froze on her face.

“B-cup?” Cadence guessed.


The front door opened.

“You said Kru wouldn’t be home anytime soon!” Lucia said.

“Hellooooo,” Jenna called, and then two seconds later she appeared in the doorway with a trio of purple plastic cups and a box of cheap wine. “You finally knocked!”

“What?” Lucia demanded.

“Oh yeah, we were texting the whole time you were stalling on the front porch,” Cadence said, pulling outfits from the closet. “We had a bet going. Jenna lost, so she had to bring the drinks.”

“I am not a bet!” Lucia exclaimed. “Were you watching me out the window too?” she asked Jenna, who had set the box of red wine on the dresser and was pouring cheap booze from a tiny plastic spigot into the first plastic cup.

“Of course. We’ve been waiting for this for a month.”

“Waiting for what?” Lucia asked.

“Bonding time,” Cadence answered, tossing her a hot pink push-up bra.

Mortified and also a little enamored by the neon color, Lucia held up the bra by the straps. “This is…”



Jenna handed her a cup of cheap wine. Baffled, Lucia just sat there listening to the happy chatter of the other women as Jenna poured them glasses and they talked about the best outfit options for Lucia’s figure.

“Why do you care?” she asked suddenly.

“Care about what?” Jenna asked.

“Care about a dumb outfit for me?”
