Page 40 of Fur & Money

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“How long will breakfast be?” Raven asked.

I cleared my throat and got back to flipping the steaks. “Maybe another ten minutes? The steaks are almost done, but I’m gonna slice up some fruit to go with it.”

“Good. That’ll give me a chance to get ready. I have to shoot my segment on my camera after we’re done eating.”

The hairs on the nape of my neck stood on end. “What are you reporting on?”

My fear was that she was doing a segment on the pack, which was an absolute no-no. But when Raven snickered, I immediately relaxed.

“Nothing like that,” she said as she set her glass down, “I’m just doing a segment on some idiot celebrity. I have to find a way to use tax sheltering and tax evasion to fill up fifteen minutes’ worth of segments they can air for the next couple of days.”

I chuckled. “Sounds enthralling.”

She barked with laughter. “Sure, if that’s what you want to call it.”

“Do you not enjoy what you do?”

“I mean, it pays the bills, sure.”

I placed the steaks on a couple of plates for us. “Though, I never really considered celebrity gossip to be anything more than professional, well, gossiping.”

“Hey,” she said playfully, “believe it or not, I’m classified as a journalist.”

I turned off the stove. “Funny that you didn’t say that you classified yourself as a journalist.”

“What are you now, a shrink?”

I walked our plates over to the table. “Just observant, that’s all.”

She sipped her juice. “Well, it pays the bills and that’s all I care about. Plus, in the grand scheme of things, it’s pretty easy. Most journalists want to charge into battlefields and get shot at for the sake of their work. All I have to do is troll blogs on my phone.”

I kissed the top of her head. “Even those fingers of yours need nourishment. So, sit. Eat. It won’t take me long to get the fruit chopped up.”

As I pulled grapes, strawberries, and all sorts of melons out of the refrigerator, I kept stealing glances back at Raven. There was something about her that I simply couldn't shake, and not just because of the visions I’d had. There was a tug between us. Something that beckoned to me. She was intoxicating, sure. Absolutely gorgeous, yes. However, there was something else. Something deeper. Something… more.

And I was concerned she’d leave before I figured out what the hell it was.

“Dean?” Raven asked.

Her soft voice pulled me from the recesses of my mind. “What’s up?”

“You okay? You’re sort of staring off.”

I went back to chopping up the fruit. “Sorry about that. It happens from time to time.”

“Did you have another vision?”

I shook my head as I gathered the fruit into a bowl. “Just thinking about ones I’ve already seen.”

“You wanna talk about them?”

I walked the bowl over to the table. “Nah, I’m good.”

As I sat down in front of her, ready to devour the steak in front of me, I thought back to that vision. The vision of me, Levi, and Hudson, all standing at her side. All standing behind her, and loving her, and enjoying every second of her.

And the idea made me smile.

“Sure you don’t want to talk about it? I could use a smile like that,” Raven said.
