Page 41 of Fur & Money

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I finally planted my feet back down into reality. “What? You mean I didn’t make you smile like that last night?”

She winked at me. “You made me moan like that last night.”

I slid a piece of steak off my fork. “I’ll make you do it again tonight if you’re not careful.”

“Sounds like I should be damn near reckless today, then.”

As we sat there casting glances at one another, my mind drifted to the full moon coming up. Had anyone filled her in on what that kind of thing did to a pack like ours? My gut told me no one had yet, and that meant I had to track Brody down after breakfast. After all, he had been tasked with teaching her about our customs and our quirks, and if he hadn’t gotten to that particular one yet, then he really needed to.

Because I wasn’t sure how Raven would handle the pack otherwise.

“You’re worried about the full moon coming up, aren’t you?” she asked.

My gaze snapped to hers. “So, Brody’s told you about it?”

She snickered. “It doesn’t take a genius to sniff these kinds of things out.”

I nodded slowly as I reached for some fruit. “It can put us… on edge.”

She popped a grape into her mouth. “What else does it do?”

“I think that’s a question you should ask Brody.”

“Or we could leave my cousin alone and you could tell me.”

“We have boundaries and responsibilities for a reason. He’s the best source of—”

Her face fell flat. “Dean.”

I blinked. “Yes.”

She sighed heavily. “Just spit it out, would you? The full moon’s in, what? Two nights’ time?”

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. “There’s a lot of powerful magic that flows within our pack that grows in strength and stature during full moons. It isn’t just about our shifter nature, it’s about our powers as well.”

“Do you think this is something I should hand over to Brody to handle this time around?”

I shook my head. “It’ll be important for the pack to see you at the helm of all of it. It’ll help instill faith in you.”

She shrugged. “I could still guide Brody. He’s part of that Tighter Circle, right?”

“Inner Circle?”

She pointed at me. “That.”

I leaned back. “The Inner Circle usually helps the alpha field the pack during a full moon.”

“There you go then,” she said as she reached for her juice. “Brody and the rest of you guys can help me out and none of them will be any the wiser. Right?”

The second she asked that question, my vision went dark. I braced myself for whatever the hell was coming, but instead of seeing pictures I… felt pictures. I saw nothing, but felt everything, and the dread that swamped my gut made me sick to my stomach. The fear that built within me made me nauseous. I stood to my feet, trying to get my bearings as darkness held me hostage. And it wasn’t until Raven cupped my cheek that my vision quickly returned.

“Dean, tell me when you can hear me. Dean, tell me when you can hear me. Dean, tell me when you can—”

I nuzzled against her palm. “I can hear you.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God. You saw something, didn’t you?”

I shook my head. “No, actually.”
