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“Hair and make-up will be here soon,” Mack shared, changing the subject, and I was thankful.

I bit back the urge to remind Mack he didn’t have to do all that. He’d fuss at me again, considering I was officially his lady. I guess it was his job. “Okay.”

I felt myself dozing off until there was a light tap on the door. Mack sat up just as it crept open, and Mia stood holding Serenity on her shoulder. Hair and make-up had arrived, so I went downstairs to get started on my transformation.

I was extremely nervous about tonight. In social settings, I was fine, but this event wasn’t that. Not to mention showing up with Mack put a target on my back. Not that anybody would do anything but the stares and whispers were just as annoying.

I texted Hailo asking why she talked me into this, but she just laughed, reminding me we would have a good time tonight. I wasn’t sold, but it was too late to run now.

“Don’t you look beautiful?” Mia complimented, entering the room this time without Serenity.

“Thank you,” I replied nervously, running my sweaty palms down the beaded material. I regretted letting Solana and Hailo talk me into this dress. The soft curls paired well with the natural glam. “Thank you for letting Cam hang out tonight.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. She’s adorable.”

“Thank you.”

Mia smiled and turned to leave but stopped, compelled to speak on her son’s behalf.

“My son cares about you. He’s not supposed to, but he does. Macklen won’t let that stop him, or you wouldn’t be here. So, please let him go if you’re not as invested in him.” Mia begged.

As a mother, I wasn’t offended. It may have seemed harsh, but Mia didn’t lie. Mack wasn’t supposed to be with me, but here we were, trying to make the impossible possible.

“He’s safe with me.”

“Good because everybody in this family isn’t as open-minded as I am. He’s going to need it for what he’s up against. Try to have some fun tonight. Cam is safe,” she winked, walking out of the room, and though I didn’t know exactly what she was referring to, I was panicking inside because it didn’t sound good.

I cared about Mack. The last thing I wanted to do was make his life harder. I certainly didn’t want him at odds with his family on my behalf, but a small part of me felt good to have his mother’s support. It gave me hope that this could work even if I didn’t see how.

I couldn’t help but wonder what she meant by what he was up against. It could mean many different things, but nothing that came to mind was positive. Would Cam and I be in danger if I pursued a relationship with Mack? The Merauxs were revered in DuPont Falls, but there were also whispers. Nobody could confirm it, but there was a reason nobody fucked with them and lived to tell about it.

Taps on the door caused me to jump as I turned around. Mack looked handsome in his classic black-tie attire. “Damn,” Was all he said as his mouth hung open. His orbs devoured every bead covering my body. Mack finally smiled, and I released the deep breath I had been holding.

“She looks beautiful, doesn’t she?” Mia crept up, standing opposite Mack.

He opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out, forcing him to clear his throat as he checked his watch. Mia smiled wider, watching the manifestation of his feelings for me. “The limo is here. We need to head out.”

“I want to say bye to Cam. Then we can go.”

He nodded, as I inched closer. Sliding out of the doorway, Cam met us in the foyer. She was so excited to see me dolled up that she asked if she and Mack could also go on a fancy date. He bent down to her level and promised to make it happen before leaving.

Mia’s words infiltrated my brain again in the back seat of the limo. I couldn’t wait to see Hailo. I needed to get this off my chest.

“Promise me something?” I turned, giving him my undivided attention. “Relax and have fun tonight. Worry about all the other shit later.”

“I thought I wasn’t allowed to worry?”

“You’re not, but you’re hard-headed and still doing the shit anyway.”

“It’s easier said than done, Mack. I have Cam to think about.”

He reared back, annoyed at my response. “I don’t?” he questioned in a way that made me feel stupid despite my valid concern. It didn’t matter how much he cared about Cam. She was my responsibility.

“You know what I mean.”

“I don’t. Explain it to me.”

“We can start with the obvious. I know you care about Cam and appreciate it, but you’re not her father.”
