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“No,” she replied, annoyed that I was right. “Fine, but I’m bragging to Gianni that I actually got you to smile.”

She did, but it was short-lived. I couldn’t describe the agony in my chest. It made breathing hard as those moments replayed on a loop in my head.

“You love her, don’t you?” Hailo asked sympathetically.

“More than anything. Shit’s crazy.” It happened so fast but that was Sky’s magic. It was also how she earned just as much as the strippers from behind the bar. Sky had a way of making you feel comfortable and familiar even if you had just met her.

“Tell me about it. Love is crazy, but it’s also filled with hope. Sky is going to be okay. We have to believe that. She needs you to believe it and be her strength right now.” I nodded, taking in Hailo’s advice. “Besides, Sky doesn’t want to hear my mouth if she’s leaving me alone with you crazy people.”

“Luckily for you, I know my family, so I’m not offended,” I joked as Gianni appeared in the doorway. He couldn’t stay away long, but I felt the same about Sky. “Damn, bro, can I get a minute?”

“Fuck you,” Gi flipped me the bird making his way over to Hailo’s bedside.

“I got Mack to smile,” she beamed with pride while Gi waved her off.

“Don’t let him drive you crazy, Lo Diddy.”

“Remember what I said, Mack,” Her voice held a warm touch of sympathy.

“I’ll try.” Dapping Gi up, I gave them their privacy. I could hear Gi questioning Hailo about our conversation, but she didn’t fold. I returned to the waiting room hoping for an update on Sky.

My father was the only familiar face when I returned. Despite not agreeing with my decision, Everett was still in my corner, where he’d always been.

“I’m here as your father right now. How are you?” He asked, picking up on my apprehension.

“How would you be if mom was in the hospital fighting for her life?” I posed and though he wanted to point out that she was his wife and Skylar wasn’t mine, the pain cut just as deep, especially because she was in this situation because of me.

“We’ll figure this out, son,” he assured me, gripping my shoulder.

“Whoever did this shit is going to pay.”

They say truth strength isn’t in revenge, but some shit just couldn’t be forgiven, and this was one of them.

Chapter Sixteen

I had only suffered a concussion from hitting the ground. The thought made my skin crawl, but Tyson saved my life. Gianni was still inside when bullets started flying. Tyson didn’t blink twice stepping in during Gianni’s absence, so I was willing to put my differences aside. It didn’t mean I had to be happy about it.

Sky wasn’t as lucky. Mack tried, but unfortunately, she was shot in the chest. It had been days, and she was still in the hospital fighting for her life. I kept my word, ensuring Cam was safe and as happy as possible, considering her life could change any moment if Sky turned for the worst.

He hadn’t left her side except once, and I had to go up there and make him take a break. Gianni and Tyson tried, but he didn’t listen to them. Gianni was worried, but he wanted to convince me otherwise. I knew Gianni enough to know he was lying.

“I feel it, but Mack isn’t leaving the hospital until Sky wakes up. You know that.” Gi spoke, causing me to pause at the door. Serenity and Cam were napping, so I came downstairs to thank Tyson since he had finally stopped by.

“I feel it, but we gotta do something. Sitting on shit ain’t the answer,” Tyson replied, and Gianni agreed. “Whoever did this could be gone.”

“I have a theory on that,” Gianni informed him, “If you can get that nigga out of the hospital, we can make a move, but until then, what can we do?”

Tyson didn’t reply, prompting me to knock on the door before pushing it open.

“What’s wrong?” Gianni asked because he had been on edge since the shooting.

“Nothing. I came to talk to Tyson.” They glanced at each other before turning back to me. “Can you give us a minute?”

Gianni finished the liquor in his glass, another thing I’d noticed since the shooting. Kissing my lips, he looked back at Tyson before walking out. My eyes roamed the room, mentally practicing what I would say then I finally just let the words roll out.

“Thank you for what you did. There’s a good chance I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you.”

“That’s what family does for each other.”
