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“I’m stubborn, and my nonchalant attitude pisses women off. Now come here,” he insisted, and I obliged.

Carefully sliding across the bed, I rested my back against his stomach. I couldn’t wait for my wound to heal so I could return to my preferred cuddling position, but this had to do for now.

“I’m tired but scared to go to sleep,” I admitted. You would think I would be well-rested, but it was the opposite.

“Sleep,” he replied, kissing my forehead, “I’ll fight the bad dreams off if they come to get you.”

I didn’t give a fuck what Mack and I had to go up against. I wasn’t ever coming off this man if I could help it.

Sky was home and doing well, but Mack was still on edge. He wanted revenge, and I couldn’t blame him. Unfortunately, the city was quiet, and we didn’t know where to start. Then I recalled my conversation with TJ. He was angry that Gi had iced his family out and talked big shit at the gala.

It would’ve been a bold move by TJ to come at us the way he did, and I didn’t see him making it. You could never be too sure.

“I might know who did it,” I blurted out. Mack and Gi looked at each other before turning to me, waiting for an explanation.

“When did you come to this epiphany?”

“Trent and TJ,” I replied, ignoring Mack’s question.

“Trent was pissed I cut him off, but I don’t see him doing it,” Gi added, which wasn’t like him to give anybody the benefit of the doubt.

“Why not? Losing money will make a nigga do anything,” Mack asked, thinking the same thing I was.

Gi ran his hand across his head. “Trent is Hailo’s father. He ain’t shit, but I don’t see him shooting at us knowing she’s there.”


“He cheated on his wife with Sadie, and she got pregnant.

“Does TJ know that?” I asked.

“According to Trent. He doesn’t,” Gianni shared, but I could hear the skepticism in his voice.

“Fuck.” My fist hit the table, trying to wrap my brain around everything. Gianni’s revelation added a new layer to my theory.

“Fuck what?” Gi asked.

“It might have been TJ without Trent knowing.”

“TJ shooting up the gala because he found out about Lo? I don’t know. That’s a reach.” Mack rationalized, but he didn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle.

“TJ and I had been doing business on the side. He wanted to make extra money, so I helped him out.”

Gianni broke into a fit of laughter, his signature when trying to refrain from reacting without thinking first. “The guns that Trent claimed he didn’t know about were you and TJ. Why the fuck would you do that?”

“It didn’t seem like a big deal.”

Mack snapped, jumping out of his seat and grabbing me by my shirt, “What the fuck did you think this nigga would do? He does business with people, and they’re putting pressure on him because they’re losing money too.”

“You fucked up now,” Gi causally chimed in, likely happy it was somebody else getting into it with me instead of him.

“I didn’t expect Gi to get into a pissing contest with his father-in-law and shut him out.”

“That’s the problem! You don’t think about shit unless it concerns you!” Mack shoved me in the chest. I ate that one based on being wrong.

“Yo, calm down. Ty fucked up, but he owned it, and now we know where to start. That’s what we need to focus on,” Gianni temporarily took over as mediator.

That was the downside of getting Mack started. Once he became unhinged, that nigga was an irritable asshole. I was wrong, and part of making amends was accepting that, but it wasn’t going to be too much of yelling in my face like I wouldn’t fuck him up.
