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“It works. Look at Hailo and Gianni,” he joked.

“Kyerra and I aren’t ever going to be like that. Like my parents, we’re just two people doing what they must do.”

“Your parent's relationship is complicated.”

“Trust me. I lived with them. I know.”

“I’m sorry, Tyson,” he expressed, catching me off guard. “I know, my brother, and I should’ve been there for you more because of it. I wasn’t, and I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your responsibility, but I appreciate you saying it.”

“That’s what family does for each other, Tyson. They pick up the slack for the ones who can’t. It’s not enough for us to preach it without action, so yeah, it was my responsibility, and I failed.”

Ross was a proud man. It wasn’t easy for him to admit, and though I disagreed, I appreciated him for saying it. Ultimately it was Lucas’s responsibility. He failed to step up and raise his children because he was too selfish, wallowing in pity for his mistakes.

“Your father isn’t all bad, but he did fail you. He has his demons to deal with, but don’t let them drown you too. I’m always here if you need anything.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Well, I won’t hold you. I’ll let you meet Kyerra.” The tone of his voice made me chuckle.

“What is that look for?”

“You and Gianni have always been a pain in my ass. I can’t say I’m shocked that you two have similar tastes.”

“One day, I’ll share that story over some whisky,” I replied.

“I’ll make sure I stock up. Something tells me I’ll need a lot of it for that story.”

“Thanks for stopping by.”

“Don’t mention it. If this baby is yours, half of the parenting battle is showing up. You don’t have to have all the answers but never stop trying to find them. Give your child what you didn’t have.”

I nodded as he walked out of the door. Once I was dressed, I locked up and hopped in the car. In my heart, I wanted her to terminate it but that wasn’t my call to make. Not to mention I didn’t think God would give me a get-out-of-jail-free card after all the shit I’d done. I’d have to stand on every anger-induced decision I made and marry Kyerra.

When I arrived at the address, I caught Kyerra in the elevator. She was just as nervous as me, but I did a much better job concealing my emotions. She checked in, and we sat in the lobby, ignoring each other until her name was called.

It took five minutes to draw our blood, and we were back out the door.

“The results should be back in a few days.”

“Do you have a few days?” I wasn’t even sure how far along she was.

Kyerra shrugged, and I felt my patience leave my body.

“Fuck everybody and what they want or will say. What do you want to do, Kyerra?”

“I don’t know!” She exclaimed with tears rushing out just as quickly as her words. “I don’t want to be stuck with somebody who hates me.”

“Cut the shit. I don’t hate you. I hate how you handled shit and used me to get at Gi, but you have to answer for that.”

“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

I didn’t know if I bought that bullshit, but it wouldn’t change the fact that she was pregnant with a time-sensitive decision to make.

“You can’t dwell on it now. The clock is ticking, Ky, and nobody can make this decision for you. Not even me.”

“I know,” she agreed, using the back of her hand to wipe her face. “I’ll let you know when the results are in.”

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