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“You gotta take that up with Unc,” Tyson replied, lifting his shoulder in a half-shrug.

“Don’t fuck with me, Ty. Where is she?” He didn’t answer, but Hailo had to be somewhere nearby otherwise, Tyson wouldn’t be here.

“You’ve watched me go crazy for days, and you knew where she was.”

“Like I said. Take that up with Unc.”

“I’m taking it up with you nigga! Rearing back, I punched Tyson in the face. “Nigga you got me fucked up if you think I won’t fuck you up behind mine!”

“Yours? This bitch and her pussy got you trippin! Get your shit together!” Tyson spit the blood from his mouth on the floor, shoving me.

“Get me together pussy!” I sneered, trying to make him one with the wall. “Where the fuck is Hailo? Huh, where is she?”

“Gianni!” My father’s voice entered the room before his presence.

I raced toward Ross the moment he became visible. He wasn’t my father right now but another nigga threatening what was important to me. I’d seen what my family had done to people who refused to comply, and, at times, I contributed. I’d heard their cries, and the thought of Hailo enduring the same had my mind unraveling at the seams.

“Y’all nigga’s got me fucked up! Watching me lose my shit looking for my girl and baby, and y’all knew the whole time?” I spewed, not realizing what I had said. I was so riled up after repeating myself that it came out. Hailo was in this because of me, which made her my responsibility, and I didn’t take that lightly. I was raised not to.

“Enough! Do you want to see Hailo or stand here arguing with your cousin?” My father asked, adjusting his shirt, which was now wrinkled.

Purposely bumping shoulders with my father as I passed. I couldn’t be sure if that were Ross’s reasoning, but nothing else made sense knowing him. He wanted to check me for the shoulder bump, but he’d be acting the same way if he were in my position.

Tyson gritted in my direction, kissing his teeth before unlocking the door. The sound caused Hailo to jump, and I didn’t want to frighten her more than she already was. Everybody was hovering behind me in the room as if we needed a chaperone.

“Everybody out,” I demanded while Hailo stood from the bed. Her chest began heaving aggressively before she charged at me, swinging her fists.

“I hate you! I fuckin’ hate you! You’re not the man I thought you were!”

“If you didn’t think I wasthat niggawhy did you beg for my help when Marcel had you pinned against that wall, scared for your life.” I grabbed her arms, spinning her around like we were on a dance floor. Hailo’s arms were wrapped around her while I held them in place. It was the only way I could protect myself, being that she was pregnant. “Calm your ass down!”

“Fuck you! Fuck all of you! Let me go!” She ranted, still trying to free herself despite going nowhere but toward exhaustion.

“Gian-.” My father began, but my only concern was Hailo and why her eyes were puffy and red.

“Get the fuck out,” I asserted. My tone held much less bass for Hailo’s sake, and Ross obliged. She was a nervous wreck. It was in the panicked expression on her face when the door opened.

“I’m going to let you go, but you need to chill.” Hailo didn’t reply, but I figured it wassafe when her breathing evened.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m locked in God knows where. Do you think I’m fuckin’ okay?” She spat, slapping my hand away.

“I mean physically. Are you and the baby okay?”

“Fuck you, Gianni!”

“Take some of that damn bass out of your voice. I didn’t tell them to do this shit!”

“Might as well! I’m in this because of you!” She screamed, shoving me in the chest.

“Keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself!” I warned.

“Or what? What are you going to do? It doesn’t get much worse than being locked up by crazy people!”

“You got it. Since it can’t get much worse, keep your ass here until you’re ready to calm down!” Opening my stride, I walked out of the room, locking the door behind me.

Annoyance hovered in my eyes while the Angel and Devil on my shoulders battled.

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