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We headed back to the office to handle the money so I could nap. When Gi drummed up the words to open his mouth, the door opened, and Cecily appeared. “Sonny is here to see you guys.”

“Send him back,” Gi replied while I focused on the money. It was nothing Sonny could say that I hadn’t heard already, anyway.

“Fellas. It’s good to see you.”

“It would be under different circumstances.”

“Where the fuck is my money?” I resounded, wasting no time.

Gi was the calm and controlled one, but I was the opposite. People would try you if you let them, and I wasn’t in the business of wasting time. Forcing me to repeat myself about shit was the quickest way to see the other side of me that I kept locked inside, and for a good reason. Silence stood between us, and Sonny was uneasy, as he should be.

“I have some of it. I just-.” Cutting him off mid-sentence because I had no desire to hear shit that came out of his mouth, in one swift motion, I had my hand wrapped around his fuckin’ throat and my gun aimed at his head.

"Maybe we should only let some of your product come through the port since you can’t seem to have my shit on time,” Gi wrapped the last stack of money in the rubber band before giving Sonny his undivided attention.

“This shit is getting real old, Sonny. Every month it’s some bullshit,” I chimed in.

"Listen, I'm in a bind. My daughter has to get surgery, and if I don't come up with this money, I don't know what will happen to her. I'm usually good on my word, but I’m just a desperate father, Gianni," he pleaded, bulging his eyes at Gi for help.

“Everybody got a sad story nigga. We can’t take that shit to the bank.” I aimlessly replied.

I had always been good at reading people, and my eyes searched every inch of him for any sign of bullshit while Gi probed details that didn’t matter. “What’s going on with your daughter?”

"Her heart. One of her blood vessels didn't close up properly after birth. We've been watching it for years, and she's been fine. It's getting worse now, and they're recommending surgery. My wife wants to do the surgery immediately, and I do too, but I'm worried about the money. Our finances aren't what she thinks they are, and I have-."

Gi put a hand up in the air, and Sonny immediately stopped talking. "Quite frankly, I don't give a fuck about you and your money issues. You did that shit to yourself by making piss poor decisions to the point that you can't even provide for your family. If a man can't take care of his family, he ain't a man, but your daughter shouldn’t have to pay for that."

I thought Gi and I were on the same page until he reached the end of his speech. The shock of him letting Sonny off the hook caused the words to wedge in my throat.

This nigga had lost his fuckin’ mind.

"If I find out that you fucked this up, I will find out your days will be numbered. Don't fuck with me, Sonny."

“I won’t. I swear I won’t. On my daughter-.”

"Go see Cecily, and she'll handle the rest," I instructed him, eager to check Gi about how he handled shit without consulting me.

"Thank you, Thank you." Sonny rushed out of the room, doing as he was told.

“Kid ain’t even here yet and already got you acting like a bitch,” I chastised, disappointed.

“Who the fuck are you talking to?”

“Apparently, a stranger. The Gi I know would’ve never let that shit fly.”

“Kids are innocent. She needed that surgery to save her life.”

“You don’t think he knew that when he made that decision? If he doesn’t give a fuck, why should I?”

“You sound stupid as fuck. Family is the priority, always including innocent children.”

“You let Sonny off the hook, so that’s your pet project now. I’m not dealing with that shit.”

Walking out, I had enough of him for one day. His life had been flipped upside down, but it didn’t change the fact that we had a job to do, and today Gi let his emotions get in the way of that. I needed a nap more than ever, but I stopped to pick up food before I headed home.

After paying for my order, I was about to head home when I noticed a familiar face in distress.

“Wassup Kyerra.”
