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After a long day, I changed to get comfortable before Kyerra got here. I ambled down the hallway but doubled back before reaching the stairs. My eyes absorbed the room that would soon become a nursery in utter disbelief.

In a few months, I was going to be somebody’s father. At times I wasn’t even sure the magnitude of that hit me. I was used to doing what I wanted and how I wanted. The consequences were mine. Now, every choice I made or didn’t make would affect somebody else’s life. It was a lot to think about, which is why some days I didn’t.

The doorbell pulled me out of my thoughts as I jogged downstairs and pulled the door open.

“Hey,” Kyerra muttered as a wave of apprehension swept her. She couldn’t stand still on my porch and nervously fingered her hair, already tucked behind her ear.

“Wassup,” I responded, opening the door wider for her to enter.

“It won’t take long.”

“Take your time. Some of it is in my closet.”

“You just tossed my stuff in the closet?”

“Ky, it ain’t like that.”

“Who put my shit in the closet? You or her?” Kyerra’s voice hardened ruthlessly.

“I did. The situation is complicated enough. I didn’t want to make it worse by having my ex-girlfriend's shit lying around my bedroom.”

“You’re moving heaven and earth to make this bitch comfortable! You don’t even know her!”

“The same shit I’ve done for you multiple times because that’s who the fuck I am!” My voice broke with huskiness, irritated that I was explaining myself again.

“What about how I feel? One minute I’m planning my future with the love of my life, and now me and my shit are being thrown out like we didn’t mean anything to you.” Kyerra swallowed hard, trying not to reveal her anger, but failed miserably.

“You know that’s not the case. I love you, Kyerra. This wouldn’t even be a conversation if Lo weren't pregnant, but she is.”

I tried to be gentle with Kyerra’s feelings, but unlike Hailo, she knew how things worked. Family trumped everything in DuPont Falls, even love. Hailo carrying my seed automatically made her family.

“I’ll get all my shit. I wouldn’t want to make Lo uncomfortable!” Kyerra rolled her eyes and stormed upstairs.

Tired of arguing, I remained downstairs while Kyerra gathered her belongings. Tyson and Mack were on my line asking me to come out tomorrow, but Hailo would be here. I planned to kick it with her, which Tyson was clowning me about. Then, I heard footsteps near the living room.

“If I left anything, trash it or give it to your bitch. She could use a new style.”

Kyerra studied the smug delight on my face as I walked over and grabbed the box out of her hands. She was lashing out, and I wasn’t about to let her bait me in. I carried the box outside to her car along with the others upstairs, being the gentleman Xora raised me to be.

“Take care of yourself, Ky.”

“Goodbye, Gianni.” Climbing in the car, I saw Kyerra wiping her tears as she pulled out of my driveway.

It was hard to watch because my love didn’t magically disappear, but my loyalty was to Hailo and our daughter. That didn’t ease the pain of watching the woman I love walk away.

* * *

I didn’t remember falling asleep, but it was likely because I was consumed with thoughts of Kyerra. Hailo called and let me know she was outside and needed help. She was used to being independent, but my speech about doing too much sunk in. Hauling to my feet, I walked out, so she didn’t hurt herself or the baby getting her bags.


“Hey,” she climbed out of the car and paused in front of me with a smile. “I missed you a little.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, but I’m sure the feeling will be gone the second I open the refrigerator.”

“Real funny.”
