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Her tone was a direct reflection of how she felt. It was evident she wasn’t in the mood. For now, I chose not to address last night and began giving her a run-down of what I had to do today when she took off for the bathroom with her hand covering her mouth.

“Get out!” Hailo yelled as I cracked the bathroom door.

“I’m trying to make sure you’re good.”

“I appreciate it, but I don’t want you to watch me hovered over the toilet,” she rushed out as she gagged and heaved again.

Ignoring her comment, I gathered her hair and pulled it back while she continued heaving over the toilet before whatever she ate this morning came back up. Pregnancy looked like hell on earth and watching her suffer softened me despite being sick of her attitude.

Hailo rose to her feet, and I let her hair go as she grabbed a paper towel to wipe her mouth.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she replied, embarrassed.

“It can’t be worse than watching a baby stretch your pussy. I need all the practice I can get.”

“You are not watching this baby come out of my vagina.”

“Why not? I put it in there.”

“You’re my man. That’s not my man. It’s weird. I guess because none of this is real, but I appreciate you trying to help me through it anyway.” Her breath hitched as she looked away, but her dramatic animation was enchanting, even if she did throw up her breakfast.

“You didn’t get yourself pregnant, Lo. It’s my job.”

“No, I didn’t, but neither of us thought a few hours of fun would turn into all this.”

“We’re here now,” I hunched, pulling her into me because she looked like she could use a hug. “Go take a nap and get yourself together. Then go shopping for something to wear tonight.”

“Where are we going?”

“I’m taking my girls out.”

“I don’t know. I feel like shit, and I’m still mad at you.”

“If you don’t feel better later, we don’t have to go out.”

She nodded, and I went upstairs to get my day started. I periodically checked on Hailo throughout, and she was feeling better. She thanked me for the money I left her to splurge on herself, but that was nothing.

When I got back, I was starving and ready to get to dinner while she was held up in my bedroom, transforming or whatever she was doing. I was trying to be patient because she had a rough start to the day, but I was tired from hanging out the night before and was ready to eat and get in bed.

I was about to go upstairs and hurry her along, but Hailo appeared at the top of the stairs making pregnancy look so fuckin’ sexy. She refused to be put in a box because she was pregnant and about to become a mother, and I wasn’t mad at the view.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“If I didn’t get you pregnant, tonight would be the night.”

“That’s what got us in this mess. Can you help me?” she smiled, handing me her high heels.

“Are you supposed to be wearing these?”

“I have my bodyguard with me. He won’t let anything happen to me, right?”

Shaking my head, I bent down while she held onto the railing and slid her foot into the shoe. That smile was powerful and made me want to do whatever to keep it on her face, which could be dangerous for a nigga like me.

Life had been crazy, and there were no signs of slowing down. Gianni wasn’t my favorite person, but I didn’t know anybody else in DuPont Falls. I accepted his offer because he was my ticket out of the house. Part of me felt like I couldn’t be angry about the items I found while searching for the remote. I resisted this process and made it clear we weren’t together. Gianni was a sexy, well-endowed man with needs that I damn sure wasn’t satisfying.

Then I’d say fuck that and set all those rational thoughts on fire like I wanted to do his ass. Gi was insistent that we had to be together and get married. Therefore, he shouldn’t have had a bitch in his house. Correction, our house since I was forced to move in. I wasn’t getting fucked, so he couldn’t, either.
