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“Oh no!” She fussed, trying to do her best impression of a sober person. “I’m going home.”

Under normal circumstances, I would’ve been happy to see Kyerra. Right now, she is drunk and emotional. It wasn’t fun being the only sober person out of the group.

“You’re drunk, Ky. You’re going home with Solana,” I interjected, hoping she would listen to me because she sure didn’t want to hear it from Solana.

“Take me home, Tyson. I’m fine, I promise.”

“You don’t need to go home. You need to sleep this off,” Solana replied, using a sympathetic tone.

“I already can’t have my man. Now I can’t go home,” Kyerra slurred, throwing her arms in the air.

Drunk or not, I could feel the pain in her slurred speech. I conceded to shorten the back and forth because that was the quickest way to get back to my bed. “I’ll drop you off and take Kyerra home. Get in the car.”

“Thank you, Ty,” Kyerra smiled, thrusting herself against my body. The smell of alcohol seeping from her pores forced me to turn my head as she ran her fingers across my waves.

“You’re welcome.” Guiding Kyerra to my car, she slipped in the back seat, and I drove Solana home first, who gave me the address to Kyerra’s new house.

I had been in DuPont Falls my entire life. I knew the city like the back of my hand, so I didn’t need to plug the address in. Not to mention, I used to fuck with a woman who lived in the same neighborhood Kyerra moved into.

Climbing out of the car, she was much more sober than before. Still, I lent her a hand as we walked to the front door. Kyerra fumbled with the keys, trying to focus enough to slip them inside the lock. After a moment, I guided her hand and turned the knob, and Kyerra opened it, and apprehension marred her beautiful features.

“Thank you for picking us up,” she muttered, sitting on the arm of the chair, bringing unnecessary attention to her exposed thighs in the sexy black dress she chose to wear tonight.

“Anytime, but don’t make a habit of it.”

“I’ll try not to,” she replied, but there was no sign of her usual charm and confidence that made men weak for her.

“You plan to run for it, or are you staying for a while?” I asked, looking around at all the boxes she’d yet to unpack.

“I thought about it,” she replied, smiling, but it was only to hide the pain in her eyes. “But my mom is so happy I’m back. I guess I’ll stay a while.”

“You good now?”

“As good as can be. Thanks for coming.”

“How many times are you going to thank me?”

Kyerra hunched her shoulders, avoiding eye contact with me. “Why are you acting nervous like we haven’t known each other since you were fourteen with glasses and acne.” I joked, hoping to lighten the mood and take her mind off Gianni.

“Wow! Do you really want to go there? I remember when you had more shoulders than body, but I wasn’t going to bring that up.”

“I guess that’s why you hooked up with Gi after I left, huh?”

Kyerra’s head immediately fell, disappointed in her actions. At eighteen years old, I left DuPont Falls. Not because I wanted to but because my family felt it was best to keep me safe. No warning, no explanation, or communication with Kyerra. Then at twenty years old, I returned and met my cousin's girlfriend, who happened to be my ex. Ex might’ve been generous. Our bond never had a title, but there was a lot of love between us, or at least I thought.

“I deserve that,” she muttered, “I wanted to talk to you about it when you got back, but you seemed so angry. You wouldn’t even look at me, so I kept my distance until things became cordial.”

“Confused. I was confused as fuck. Did you ever tell him?” I asked, not that it mattered, but a part of me always wondered. Gianni had a thing for taking shit that I wanted, but that wasn’t the case in this situation, as Kyerra shook her head no. “I thought you would, but Gi never mentioned it, so I didn’t either.”

“It wasn’t shit to say. Y’all were happy, so I let you have it.”

“I didn’t know what to think. One day you were here, and the next, you were gone. Solana refused to talk about it, and neither would Gi. I thought you moved on with your life, so I did the same.”

“With Gianni.”

“I didn’t plan on that. He was just around, and it happened! It’s not like you sat around waiting on me. You’re still in love with somebody else. It’s probably Amora. You two got real cozy together,” she snipped, with too much attitude considering she was crying behind Gi.

“Not somebody Ky. You.” My words hit her in the throat, causing her head to bobble. It never dawned on Kyerra that the woman in my story was her.
