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Ross seemed like a nice guy, but the image of him forcing me out of my hotel room played on a loop in my head whenever I thought about forgiving him.

“What should I do, nugget?” I asked, peering down at my stomach, which looked like a basketball underneath my shirt.

“Hailo,” A soft voice called out, causing me to turn around as Solana nervously stood on the pavement. Finally, she willed her legs to move, closing the space between us. “I told Gianni I would check on you.”

“I’m fine. Thank you.”

“I-I don’t know if Gianni told you, but a cancer research gala is coming. Our family hosts it every year in honor of our grandmother. Anyway, we all have to attend.”

“Including me.”

“Yes. I know you’re due soon, but we must get you fitted for your dress.” Solana informed me.

A tinge of sympathy filled my chest, listening to Solana attempt to downplay her gripes. The pain in her eyes didn’t make it much better. I didn’t want my heart to soften. Not toward Solana. Honestly, I didn’t have a reason outside of her being Kyerra’s friend, but this family made me second-guess everything.

“Okay,” I replied, keeping it short.

“Great,” Solana smiled before spinning on her heels. Her steps slowed in the distance as she hesitated before finally addressing the elephant in the room. “I’m sure Gi told you Kyerra, and I are friends, but family comes first, and you’re family.”

“That I am,” I replied in a sarcastic tone. My relationship with Gianni had progressed, but families were less forgiving. Just a few months ago, he was with Kyerra. Now they were forced to accept our baby and me. Just because they had to didn’t mean they liked it.

“You may not feel like it, but you are. It’s intense sometimes, and we all have our shit, but there’s nothing we won’t do for each other,” Solana rattled off, and I could tell she believed the words she spoke.


“Besides, as busy as Gianni has been, I’m sure you’re tired of sitting in the house alone.”

I was, and something told me Solana felt the same. It didn’t seem like the Meraux women had much going on, allowing them a lot of free time. I didn’t do well with free time, maybe because I wasn’t familiar with it. I had been working since I was sixteen years old. Even throughout college, I held down a part-time job. Now I was just here doing absolutely nothing.

“Life in DuPont Falls is different from what I’m used to.”

“Maybe I can show you around sometime if you’re up for it. I know the baby is due any day now.”

“Yes, she is.” My chin dropped, and a smile spread across my face rubbing my belly. I was scared shitless, but part of me couldn’t wait to meet my baby.

It hit me that I couldn’t go into labor right now, and we still didn’t have a name picked out for her. That spawned more stress as the tiny seed of doubt crept into my mind. Her nursery was set up, and our bags were halfway packed.

Pushing those feelings aside, I went to the dining room and suffered through the remainder of dinner. We didn’t stay long afterward, and I was thankful. Our home had become my place of peace, and I preferred to stay there instead of attending these family dinners.

When Gianni finally made his way upstairs, I was fresh out of the shower, moisturizing my body. He was leaning against the door frame staring at me like a creep- something he did often. Gi said it was because he missed so much of my pregnancy, but it felt weird to me.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I like looking at you.”

“You need to stop. It’s creepy.”

Gianni walked across the room and pecked my cheek, “Ain’t nothing creepy about watching my wife carry the life we created.” The possessive manner in which he claimed me sent a shiver down my spine. It was as if he was happy to have me instead of just fulfilling an obligation.

“Soak it all in because it might be the last time,” Pushing past him, I made myself comfortable in his bed that had now become mine.

“It’s been a good day. Don’t break my heart, Lo.”

“We need to talk,” I sighed, patting the bed, and he joined me. Draping my legs across his lap as I rested against the pillows, he stared at me in disbelief, but it didn’t move me.

“About,” the huskiness lingering in his tone made the heart between my legs beat faster.

“Baby names,” I cleared my throat, attempting to focus on more important things instead of the half-naked man next to me.

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