Page 111 of Unbreakable Bond

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“Truth be told, you’re the reason we’re in this mess, so excuse me if I’m not asking for your input.” My comment caused my uncle to walk toward me with his chest poked out.

“Excuse me?” Lucas asked.

“You borrowed money from Morgan Cassidy and didn’t pay it back. All of that is on you. So, if you want somebody to blame, look in the mirror, but don’t come at me when we’re all cleaning up your mess, as usual.”

“Gianni Meraux, watch your tongue!” Dad demanded.

“Jesus! I need a drink,” Sophia sighed, clenching her chest.

“Solana, what have you done?” Lucas asked, looking at his youngest child as if she were a ghost.

“What I wanted to do, and I don’t regret it,” Solana walked out of the room while everybody else was in shock, trying to figure out what had just happened.

Part of me was proud. My little baby was all grown up. Solana had found her voice and wasn’t afraid to use it. Usually, she would’ve been in tears by now because she hated being misunderstood but lacked the courage to do anything about it. Now, she had some, and I guess Quest was the reason.

Hailo checked on Solana while the rest of the family tried to make sense of things. I had enough and headed for the kitchen to grab water when Hailo snaked her arms around me.

“I’m proud of you,” she whispered.

“For what?”

“Saving Quest.”

“Who said I saved him?”

Hailo didn’t answer. Instead, she patted my chest and left me standing in the kitchen. After about thirty minutes, I had enough family time for one day. I was ready to go home and unwind, so I packed up my family and headed out with Solana.

I snapped my fingers, making them both turn around in the driveway. “You’re with me,” I replied, pointing at Solana.

“No, I’m not.”

“If you want your husband alive. Yes, you are.”

That was enough to make Solana join me, but she didn’t utter a word. I wasn’t mad at it. I had talked enough for one day, so I appreciated the silence.

“Where are we?” she asked when I shifted my car in park.

“Get out.”

Solana hesitated but eventually climbed out. She paused her stride, watching Quest lean against the hood of his car. I expected her to run into his arms like a scene out of a movie, but instead, it was me she ran to.

“Don’t come over here after you gave me your ass to kiss,” I fussed.

“I’m so sorry!” Solana cried, throwing her arms around my neck. “Thank you, Gianni.”

“Doubt me again, and you’re on your own.”

“I won’t, I swear! I love you!” Solana conceded.

“Go get your man,” I urged.

Solana blushed before taking off and jumping into Quest’s arms. Her smile was bigger than when she got her first car at sixteen. I wasn’t sure if I had done the right thing, but watching Solana smile seemed worth it. In case I didn’t, I delivered one final warning to Quest.

“Don’t make me regret this shit.”

While I wanted Solana to be happy, her safety was a priority, and it seemed that Quest shared my feelings.

“How is she?” Hailo asked as I entered our bedroom.
