Page 116 of Unbreakable Bond

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I nodded while Gi alternated between us, trying to figure out if the world was ending. Maybe one day I’d have a woman who made me as proud as Hailo made Gianni. For now, I planned on taking her advice and focusing on myself and my son.

Chapter Twenty-Six

The room, dimly lit and infused with tension, was the only witness. I wasn’t sure how this ended yet. The protector in me wanted him dead. Or maybe it was my bruised ego that another man could influence Sky’s decisions. Not because she loved him but because Marcus still had power in a world that was supposed to be mine.

Marcus stirred, groaning, his eyes slowly adjusting to the low light. Panic flickered across his face as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. His gaze locked onto me as he blinked, trying to make sense of the situation.

“Mack!” he yelled, trying to wiggle his hands free. “Let me out of here!”

I leaned against a nearby table, my arms crossed, a mix of anger and determination etched on my face, watching him try the impossible. His eyes darted around, absorbing the details of the room, and then focused back on me. Fear danced in his eyes, and he seemed to grasp the magnitude of his actions for the first time. The ropes binding Marcus to the chair were a stark reminder of the consequences he now faced.

“The night of Cam’s school play, I asked for one very simple thing. What was that?”

His chest heaved in frustration, letting me know he remembered that conversation and the warning I had given him. Marcus refused to repeat it out loud, though.

“I also told you using my daughter as a pawn would piss me the fuck off, didn’t I?”

Hearing another man claim the child he created made Marcus believe that surging to his feet would make it bust from the chair like he was the hulk. Instead, it only frustrated him more that I laughed at his attempt.

“She told you how she helped Duke kidnap those girls?” Marcus asked, wearing a sly grin, thinking he had one up on me by disclosing that information. Sky told me everything, but I didn’t need to explain shit to him. That wasn’t the purpose of this visit. “That’s what Sky does. She sucks you in and makes you think she’s a victim when she really ain’t shit.”

“Lemme’ ask you something. Man to man, are you still in love with Sky? You can’t keep her name out of your mouth. Shit, you talk about her more than your child.”

Marcus’s expression grew still and solemn.

“I haven’t said one fuckin’ word about Sky, but you can’t stop.”

“That’s why I’m here! Because she ran her mouth trying to be the victim again!” Marcus yelled.

Now I understood why she always looked stressed whenever I’d drop by Paradise’s Dream. Dealing with this dickhead had to be frustrating while working and taking care of a child on your own. I just prayed Cam had more of Sky in her than Marcus.

I had never been one to argue with fools. Sure, I could remind Marcus that this was about Cam. That he used her to extort Sky and that was a violation but it was pointless.

“She is the victim, and I’m the judge, jury, and executioner.” A mix of fear and confusion rendered him momentarily mute. I sighed, my frustration tangible. “I came to you man to man. I told you what would happen, and unfortunately for you, I’m a man of my word.”

I studied his face, and a subtle shift occurred – a realization that there was no escape from the repercussions of his actions. Yet, beneath the anger, a hint of regret lingered in his eyes, but it didn’t move me or drive me to reconsider.

All he cared about was himself, so I punched him in the face for all the times Cam cried because of his broken promises. My fist struck him again. Again and again.

I punched him until his white teeth were covered in blood. My knuckles ached from the impact, but there was a dark satisfaction in knowing Marcus was finally in my grasp.

“Sky is good. She’s really got you out here fighting her battles like she’s worth any of this shit. First it was me, now she’s sucked you in. When it gets hard, she’s going to run. That’s what she does, and you’ll be left just like I was. Rinse and repeat Mack. It’s a cycle.”

Marcus was trying to get in my head. After all, that was the only tool he had left.

“Why the fuck are you so obsessed with my daughter? If you want to be a father so bad, make one of your own. Or maybe you just like little girls and this father of the year act is just a cover up,” Marcus taunted.

“You are one stupid nigga! Don’t ever insult me or my love for Cam because you can’t relate.” The tighter I gripped his neck, the bigger his eyes grew. “I should kill you right fuckin’ now with my bare hands just for being so stupid!”

“Let him go,” Gi barked, walking into the room.

Dropping Marcus’s bludgeoned body to the ground, I wondered how the hell Gi knew I was here. Then Tyson scrolled in, and he was likely the person that snitched. Then again, it could’ve been Lo or Sky.

“I got an alert from the alarm,” Gi explained, walking closer. Once he realized Marcus wasn’t dead yet, he stared at me before insisting, “Let me holla at you outside.”

“You might as well take your ass home. Both of you,” I spat, looking at Tyson.

“I can’t let you do something you’ll regret like you wouldn’t let me or Ty.”
