Page 129 of Unbreakable Bond

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“Quest is here as well,” Dad said, sipping the glass he took from her hand.

“Then I definitely need this.” Her brows hiked as she downed the remainder of her drink.

My eyes fled to my Uncle, who wanted to apologize, but there was no need. They had the same genes and were raised in the same house but weren’t the same caliber of men. Uncle Ross and Everett were in a league of their own compared to my dad.

“Don’t worry because we won’t be here long.”

“I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

“The feeling is mutual. All my life, I did as I was told, and in the end, where did it get me? Where did it get any of us besides screwed up and in need of some intensive therapy?”

“Poor Solana, you had such a horrible life. You’ve lived better than most, yet you’re standing here crying about what we didn’t do. Talk about what we did do for you!” Mom yelled because drunk Sophia never took accountability for her actions.

“You want me to bow down and thank you for doing your job as parents? I didn’t ask to be here, so don’t make me out to be some spoiled, ungrateful child.”

“That’s exactly how it sounds right now!” Dad exclaimed.

“You would think I shoot heroin in my free time the way you’re acting! Jesus Christ, I got married! Quest is a good man who loves me. Everything that this isn’t.” I replied, waving my hand toward the two of them.

Dad put his hand up to surrender, which was rare. He was naturally a bulldog and never quit at anything, even when he should’ve. I’m not sure which part of my speech did it, but I was thankful as I walked out of the room.

I could hear Uncle Ross arguing with him to get his shit together, which I appreciated, but he was wasting his breath. When I turned the corner and saw Quest in the living room with everybody else, I knew I made the right decision. He fit perfectly, joking with Gianni until he looked up at me. His brown eyes became flat until I sat beside him on the couch.

“Wassup?” he mumbled, but everybody in the room was zeroed in on our conversation.

“I’m fine. I promise.”

The glow of my smile was enough to make Quest nod in front of mixed company, but as soon as we hit the car, he’d be interrogating me about what had changed my mood.

“She’s got you wrapped already,” Gianni poked.

“You’re one to talk Gianni!” I fussed, throwing the pillow at him.

“From what I hear, you know of what you speak. Lo got you wrapped too,” Quest quipped, holding his own.

“When you marry the right woman, ain’t no shame in her running shit and holding you together. My wife runs me. If you’re smart, you’ll let yours run you too.”

“Nigga always preachin’.” Mack groaned while Gi flipped him the bird.

Tyson didn’t say much throughout dinner but watched our every move, from affection to Quest pulling out my chair at the table. Despite the tension with my parents, the evening went surprisingly well. The warmth and acceptance from my family comforted my soul. I embraced my husband's hand under the table, knowing whatever challenges lay ahead, we could overcome anything together.



Chapter Thirty

“Good morning,” Vincent walked into the kitchen and greeted me with a kiss.

“Morning,” I smiled, leaning into his embrace before he opened the refrigerator door.

“How did you sleep?”

“Great as usual.”

My compliment made Vincent smile over his shoulder. Initially, I was skeptical about pursuing anything with Vincent. My marriage had barely been dissolved, and I was already dating another man, but I had put the needs of others before my own long enough. It was my time now, and being with Vince made me happy. Something I hadn’t felt in so long.

The only thing I missed was climbing out of bed and walking down the hallway to Bryson’s room. I love my son, but sharing him with Tyson unlocked a deeper level of love that I didn’t even know existed.
