Page 35 of Unbreakable Bond

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“No, I didn’t, but that’s my choice. In the same way, it was your choice to keep your shit a secret,” Solana fussed.

“Here we go,” I scoffed, throwing my arms up. “Are you still mad about that?”

Once Solana discovered the truth about Gianni and Tyson, our relationship was never the same. She claimed everything was fine, but I knew it wasn’t, leaving me even more alone at a transitional time. Sky had become more of a friend to me than Solana.

“You mean pitting Gi and Tyson against each other. Stringing Tyson along because you knew he was still in love with you. I’m not mad about that, but call it what it is when you’re referring to it. You waltzed in here complaining to me from your high horse. I said I didn’t feel like talking about it, but just like everybody else in this family, you don’t hear me,” Solana fussed.

“I’m trying to, but you’re being dramatic! I came here to be something that you weren’t to me!” I yelled, allowing my emotions to drive the conversation.

I regretted letting those words slip out because of how her neck bucked. I thought I had buried those feelings. I convinced myself that it didn’t matter anymore. This was reality, and crying about the past wouldn’t change it.

“Excuse me?!”

“I have to get to the office. Enjoy your breakfast.” I grabbed my purse and headed for the door, but Solana quickly approached it.

“You don’t get to say things like that and just leave. I was always an open book with you while you were keeping secrets. It’s hard to be there for someone when they don’t tell you shit.”

“What difference would it have made?” I huffed.

“You didn’t give me a chance, so we’ll never know.”

“Whatever, Solana. I hope whatever you’re going through gets better.”

Reaching for the handle, she slid out of the way. I came over in good faith, not to argue with my best friend before breakfast. Tossing my purse in the car, I quickly climbed in and pulled off. I started to go home because I wasn’t in the mood, but I found myself pulling into the parking garage as a distraction. Solana and I had made many mistakes in our friendship, but it seemed like I was the only one held accountable for it.

When I arrived, Tyson’s assistant, Nebula, was eager to let me know he was in a very important meeting. He claimed it was nothing personal, but as a woman, I noticed how she looked at him and was always eager to go above and beyond her job title.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he is fucking her.

Shaking away the thought before I put my hands around her neck and we had a lawsuit on our hands, I began going over a contract that I was reviewing yesterday. I was almost at the end when Nebula’s annoying ass giggle caught my attention. It was only reserved for Tyson. She hung up the phone and walked to the printer, so I followed.

“Is Mr. Meraux out of his meeting?” I asked.

“No, he just asked for some files,” she replied, collecting the papers from the printer and tucking them in a manila folder.

“I can take that,” I interjected.

“No, it’s okay. I’m sure you have other things to do,” Nebula smiled, but I took the folder from her hand anyway.

“Nope. My schedule is all clear—unlike yours.”

Walking down the hallway, I knocked on the door before pushing it open to find Tyson at his desk.

“Here are the files you requested,” I replied.

“Thanks, baby. I didn’t know you were in yet,” Tyson said.

“I just got here not too long ago,” I replied, spinning on my heels to leave Tyson to finish his meeting.

“I have someone I want you to meet.” Tyson stood up, causing me to turn around and freeze.

Vincent Carmichael. My ex-boyfriend that my husband knew nothing about.

“Mr. Carmichael, this is my wife, Kyerra Meraux,” he introduced, snaking his arm around my waist.

Vincent smiled, his elongated fangs gleaming like polished ivory while I struggled not to throw up the latte I drank on the way in. “Please, no need to be so formal. Vincent is fine. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Meraux.”

He stood up, extending his hand. Looking at it only reminded me of things I shouldn’t have been thinking about as a married woman.
