Page 88 of Unbreakable Bond

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“Because I’m not. Somebody had to babysit Sky, Kyerra, and Solana.”

“Kyerra, too?”

I rolled my eyes at the laughter bubbling on his lips. “Kyerra too. She looked pitiful earlier.”

“You never cared before.”

“Take your fiancée home,” I demanded, standing to my feet before I left him outside if he kept talking about Kyerra.

“Let me find out Lo Diddy is getting soft.”

“Don’t make me sound like such a bitch.” Mack threw his hands up, surrendering. “For the record, she hated me first, but today I don’t know. She looked like she needed a friend. She and Tyson are having problems, too. Hell, it seems like everybody is except Gi and I.”

“I told you it’s worse niggas you could be stuck with,” Mack reminded me.

“Growing up it was always just me and my mom. Now I have family, and I don’t want to lose it. Sky doesn’t either believe it or not. Secrets destroy marriages, so if Marcus is what you feel you have to do, tell her,” I encouraged.

“Let me get Sky home.” Mack stood up and then offered me a hand.

We walked back inside, where Sky was still passed out. The only difference was she had rolled over, facing the back of the couch. I leaned against the wall, watching Mack carefully nudge her until. Sky was initially confused until her eyes focused on Mack, and he helped her upright.

“Thanks, Lo.” A loaded response if she’d ever given me one, but no thanks were needed. Sky was my sister and would do the same if I needed a drunken adventure to forget about my problems.

“Forever gang about you, girl.” Sky smiled, slowly walking ahead of Mack toward the front door.

“Tell your punk ass husband to do his own dirty work next time. I know he told you to talk some sense into me,” Mack fussed, playfully putting me in a hug and headlock combination.

“Watch your mouth, and he wouldn’t have to if you weren’t being so stubborn. Apparently, that’s a family trait,” I fussed, following him to the door.

“Lock this door and call me if you need me.”

I delivered a mock salute as Mack followed Sky out. He remained on the opposite side until he physically heard the door lock like I was a child.

The echoes of my friends' relationship struggles lingered in my mind as I made my way upstairs. I laid across the bed, the events of the evening replaying in my mind like a movie. I found myself missing and appreciating the stability that Gianni brought into my life. relationships around me. I was so grateful that I picked up the phone and dialed his number.

“Wassup Lo? You good?” Gianni answered.

“Where are you?”

“With Tyson. What’s wrong?” He asked again, this time with more urgency in his tone.

“Nothing. When are you coming home?” I wasn’t drunk but tipsy and horny.

Our conversation paused, allowing Gianni a moment before he asked. “Are you drunk?”

“I’m not,” I refuted.

“Good, because I might be a while,” Gianni’s response caused me to suck my teeth. “Watch those eyes,” he fussed as if he could see me.

“I didn’t even roll them,” I lied.

“You always roll them.”

A deep sigh was released, realizing I wasn’t getting my way. Gianni spoiled me and then complained about it later. “Be safe. I’m going to play with myself since you’ll be a while.”

“Send me something to keep me focused,” Gi flirted.

“Aye nigga, I don’t want to hear that!” Tyson yelled in the background.
