Page 133 of The Doctor's Destiny

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“What serious question?” I ask.

He takes my hand with his.

“Will you date me?” he asks. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

I snort.

“Don’t be silly, August. Of course I will.”

“I’m being silly?” he asks before picking up a piece of the cake’s icing with his hand and smearing it on my nose. “There, you look silly.”

“How dare you,” I squeal before getting my own handful of icing and smearing it across the doctor’s face.

We both fall into a fit of giggles. August leans across and kisses me quickly.

As he leans back, I grab his face with my icing-laced hands and pull him back for a real kiss.

We stop giggling then and stop being silly, and instead, we get very,veryserious.



It’s very hot – kissing Emma with cake spread across our faces. It shouldn’t be, but there’s something dirty and something about breaking the rules when it comes to smearing frosting over our skin.

“You look cute,” I tell Emma.

She giggles.

“You look ridiculous,” she replies and bites her lip in an incredibly sexy way.

Eventually, our fits of laughter stop, and we turn very serious.

But I’m not ready for things to be taken to the next level just yet.

“Come with me,” I say to my new girlfriend. “Let’s do something fun.”

“I thought this was fun,” she replies.

“No, trust me,” I say with a smirk, “this is a lot better.”

I love her.

I’ve always loved her – ever since that first day she arrived at my family’s mansion and she tripped in the hallway and I picked up her book. The book about a prince and a poor cleaner who fall in love against all the odds.

Emma Tucker has always been the only girl for me. She’s the girl who took my heart and who I could never let go of even if time and distance and class and family split us apart.

Emma Tucker is the girl I could never stop dreaming about.

Was it just a coincidence that we ended up at the same hospital together after all those years? I don’t know. I can’t explain that. But what I can explain is that she and I were always meant to find each other somehow. Things would be unfair if we didn’t.

We were always meant to link up again.

We were always meant to have a second chance at love.

I could even go so far as to say it wasdestiny- something like that goes against my scientific doctor's mind, but maybe love is an unseen force in the universe that can bring people together who should be together.

I dunno.
