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“That’s good to hear,” I say as I take a seat by his bedside and nod approvingly at the wall of art. “I like all these drawings you have here. It’s the most I’ve ever seen. Who gave you these?”

Ethan smiles.

“My friends did. Some of them drew them.”

“Wow, you must have so many people who care about you if they’re going to take the time to draw for you,” I remark. “You definitely must have more friends than I have. I doubt my friends would go to the effort to create anything as cool as these. It’s good to have people who love you enough to send you awesome drawings.”

“Yeah,” Ethan replies. “They’re cool.”

“I’ve got a question for you, Ethan,” I mutter.


“It’s an important question,” I say. “Essential to me taking care of you.”

“What is it?”

I lean down close to the boy and whisper.

“If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be?”

Ethan giggles.

“To fly.”

“Flying? And why’s that?”

“Yeah, so I can go anywhere in the world I want to go.”

“You’d need a superhero costume though,” I say. “You can’t fly around the world without an awesome cape.”

“I’ve already got a costume,” the boy replies, nodding at a drawing on the wall next to him. “That one.”

I take a closer look. It’s a drawing of Ethan shooting through the night sky with a bright blue cape in a red costume. Yellow stars dot the sky behind him.

“Did you draw this?” I ask Ethan.

“Yep. Yesterday. When I was feeling a little bit better for an hour.”

I raise a thumbs-up.

“Flying is a good choice, Ethan. And you are a natural when it comes to drawing. I love this costume, and I love how you’re flying through the stars.”

“But I’ve also been working on my super-strength,” Ethan says.

“Super-strength? What’s that? Tell me more.”

“When Mom comes to visit, I always squeeze her hand super hard,” Ethan replies. “I’m practicing whenever I see her. She says I’m getting stronger every single day.”

“That’s so good,” I say. “I really like how you’ve been practicing. Keep that up and you’ll be super strong in no time.”

“Okay, Doctor August. I will.”

I check my watch.

“Sorry, Ethan, but I’ve got to get going. Today is so busy for me. I’m running around like a squirrel who has drunk way too much coffee.”

I get up to leave, giving the boy one final cheesy thumbs-up before I head to the door. But before I step out of the room, Ethan calls after me.
