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The accusation in her tone slices deep.

But I’m not going to deny that this shit is my fault.

“Yeah, baby,” I say.


That’s the fucking question of the hour, isn’t it?

I exhale. “Even adults make mistakes.”

Her brows furrow. “Have you tried saying you’re sorry?”

God, my beautiful, sweet girl. I cup her jaw. “That’s a great idea, baby.”

Eagerness creeps in. “Mom likes it when you say sorry.”

I nod.

“And she likes presents too,” she says.


Rox starts to smile. “You should buy her a Squishmallow.”

My mouth ticks up. “You think Mom would like that as an apology present?”

A solemn nod. “Yup. She takes Danny Dino with her on every road game.”

The other half of my mouth curves. “That’s true,” I agree. “So, will you help me pick out a friend for Danny?”

She tilts her head to the side. “Are you going to apologize after we get it?”

I incline my head. “I’ll give her the biggest apology ever.”

“And then will you make us all pizza again?”

I ruffle her hair. “You just had pizza a couple of days ago.”


“So,” I say, “I think we should expand our meal choices a little bit, don’t you think?”

She wrinkles her nose.

“How about we hit Target and see what looks good?” I ask, tugging at a strand of her hair. “And then we can pick out a friend for Danny and Mr. Fluffernut while we’re there.”

Her eyes light up. “Can we go right now?”

I chuckle at the enthusiastic question, but nod, knowing she’s been going more than a little stir crazy not being able to do all of her normal after-school sports and activities, especially since it will still be a good while longer before her doctor-mandated rest will be over.

And she’s like her mama.

She likes to be busy.

She likes to be helpful.

She likes to get shit done.
