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One I know the team—considering the owner is Rox’s grandpa—wouldn’t have a problem with me missing.


I can use the space.

Because Stefan is going to stay at my house. In the guest bedroom.

I grind my teeth together.

It’s good for Roxie to have him close.

It’s fine. It’s great.

But…I’d really like to get out of the house for a couple of hours if I can manage it.

Stefan’s phone rings, but I don’t look at him as he answers it.

I sure as shit hear him say, “Hey, Tiff,” though.

My heart convulses, but I just straighten Roxie’s blanket, force my attention to the phone in her lap that’s playing some stupid unboxing video that Rox is obsessed with.

“Yeah, that sounds good, but we’re only supposed to be here for a couple more hours,” he says. “Want to meet us at Brit’s place? I’m sure Rox would love to see you when she gets settled.”

Inviting his girlfriend to my house.

Without asking me. Without so much as glancing in my direction and lifting a brow in query.


Well, come on in, gorgeous, younger woman who’s way better than me in so many—MANY—ways. Did you know that in addition to me being a jealous bitch, I also participated—willingly—in cheating on you when Stefan finger fucked me on this countertop not that long ago? Don’t worry, though, I carefully sanitized everything. Now, can I make you a cup of coffee?

My throat closes up and I clench my teeth together, barely able to stopper up those words.

Luckily, I do. Luckily, I’m focused on that stupid video so I can’t look over at Stefan and reveal the turmoil in my belly, my soul.

Because this isn’t me.

I’m not a woman who’s with a cheater.

I’m not a woman who pines after a man who cheats and then goes right back home to his woman.

I’m not a woman who denigrates myself, who cuts myself down, who compares myself to others.

That. Is. Not. Me.

And I’ve been in this state of torment for too damned long.

Enough is enough already.

Stefan’s staying in the guest room—great, that means Roxie can be comfortable and not have to go house to house.

Tiffany is coming over—also great because Roxie loves her and the more people who love my daughter, the better.

I’m…going to be there. With them.

Pain lances through me, but I inhale silently through my nose, hold it long enough for my lungs to protest, then let it slide out of my mouth just as soundlessly.

Then I put the bitterness and hurt aside.
