Page 68 of Teasing You

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He was instantly on his feet

Casually walking to the chief’s office, he stopped and knocked on the open door. “Hey, Chief. Got a minute?”

“Of course,” Bob said as he motioned for Reid to take a seat. “What’s up?”

He sat down and chose his words carefully. “I heard the fire inspector is coming back in tomorrow. Has he narrowed down what happened at Lavish Locks?”

Frowning, Bob leaned back in his chair. “Reid, I’m not at liberty to discuss this with you, you know that. As long as you’re personally involved with…”

“Just…has anyone found anything, any clues, that point to Ashlynn other than Becky’s words?” he quickly interrupted.

But unfortunately, Bob just gave him a bland expression which, ironically, spoke volumes.

There was more he wanted to say but their alarm went off with a call coming in about a medical emergency over at the ski resort construction site. They were both on their feet and running toward their gear and that was the last Reid thought about the investigation.

It was a little after seven when he walked up to Ashlynn’s door and found a note addressed to him taped to it that simply read, “Come In.”

He’d talk to her later about how dangerous that was considering that anyone could have walked up to the door and accepted the invitation.

Inside, he shut the door and locked it and noticed the entire place was lit by candlelight. Slowly, he stepped into the living room but didn’t see her. “Um…Ash?”

“In here,” she replied in a husky voice.

Swallowing hard, he walked slowly toward the bedroom. When he spotted her on the bed in purple lace, he almost forgot how to breathe. Her hair was slightly tousled, her lips were painted a glossy pink that matched the polish on her fingers and toes, there were rose petals scattered on the bed, and she was holding one single rose seductively between her breasts.

Sexy dinner plans were his new favorite thing.

“Sorry I’m a little late,” he said softly as he approached the bed. “We had a call and I wanted to grab a shower before I came down here.”

“Is everyone okay?” she asked, and he really kind of loved that she was genuinely concerned.

Sliding his hands into his pockets, Reid nodded. “Some scaffolding collapsed with two guys on it. Fortunately they were only ten feet off the ground and seemed to roll into the fall. They’re pretty banged up, but nothing was broken that we could tell.”

“That’s a good thing, but how scary!”

He nodded and fought the urge to just crawl up on the bed beside her. “So, um…sexy dinner?” he asked with a grin.

Ashlynn straightened before coming up onto her knees and reaching for him. “Mmm, I had some really big plans,” she began, smoothing her hand over his chest. “Shrimp cocktail, fresh oysters, some yummy pasta, and then strawberries with whipped cream and champagne for dessert.”

“Wow,” he murmured, moving in closer and wrapping his arm around her bare waist. “That sounds amazing.” Hell, he was practically salivating between the sexy lingerie and the menu.

“It does, right?”

He nodded.

“Well…that’s not quite what I ended up with,” she said slowly. “They only had tiny shrimp at the grocery store, no oysters, and the strawberries looked a bit funky.”


“How do you feel about some spaghetti and homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert?” She bit her lip and he knew she was a little disappointed that her big plans didn’t work out, but he was more than okay with it.

“Sounds delicious,” he said seductively before closing the distance between them and kissing her. His hands reached up to cup her face as he simply savored the taste of her. He loved it—right now she tasted a little minty and smelled like vanilla—and in that moment he knew he didn’t have to ask about an appetizer.

Because she was it.

Carefully, he lowered the two of them back on the mattress and he smiled against Ashlynn’s lips when she wrapped her legs around him.

“I guess technically this isn’t dinner,” she said breathlessly, “but the intention was there.”
