Page 35 of Love and War

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It had to be somewhere in the afternoon when the door to my room opened. I hadn’t even realized I was on the floor until the rush of air hit me, but I must have moved down from the bed at some point, hoping the tiles would cool me off. My skin was burning, something deep inside my stomach aching, and I heard myself give the most mortifying whimper when two sets of feet stepped into the room.

Seconds after an overwhelming scent hit me, I heard a voice that made me want to cry out. “Where the fuck is he? I can smell him.”

A ragged groan ripped from my throat, and I turned my head farther to the side in time to see Kor push past the doctor with his hands outstretched. He was ten feet from me, and then five. Then two.

Still blind, was the only coherent thought my brain could process before his boots struck me in the ribs. I heard the doctor cry out a warning, but it didn’t matter—nothing mattered—because Kor had gone to his knees, and his bare skin grazed mine. His hands traveled up my body from my hips, and then his fingers pressed into my neck—my pulse hammering against them.

Heat engulfed me—and then suddenly, it was gone. Suddenly, I could take a full breath. Suddenly, I remembered my name.

“Kor?” My voice sounded like I’d been screaming for days—and hell, maybe I had been. But with him touching me, the world made sense again. “What the hell is going on?”

Kor’s head turned, his eyes narrowed. The sliver of iris that showed his powerful yellow gaze was glowing brighter than I’d ever seen it. “Leave. Bar the room. I can’t promise I won’t kill anyone who tries to come in.”

There was another voice above the din. “You’re going to ruin everything if you do this, Kor. No one is going to trust you with a human—”

Kor snorted, interrupting the Wolf’s flow of words, and he answered in low tones. “You know what’ll happen if I don’t.”

Silence rang out before the door slammed, and I swore I could hear the faint click of a deadbolt, which jolted my entire body. I turned my head back to him, then lifted a tentative hand to the back of his where he still gripped me. “What are you doing here?”

“Saving your life,” he said, as though it was the simplest answer in the world. With a short tug from his powerful arms, I was on my feet. I swayed, but he moved one arm around my waist to keep me steady. “Where’s your bed?”

“Uh.” I dragged my tongue over my bottom lip, then glanced behind him. “Three feet back, maybe.”

He didn’t ask for a guide. Instead, he shuffled his feet backward, taking me with him until he hit the lowered railing. He turned, releasing my neck to drag a hand over the mussed covers, and I watched as his chest expanded and then released.

“Fuck, you’re…” He didn’t finish his sentence, but he did turn back to me, and then he gently eased me down onto the cool sheets. His hands didn’t leave my skin for more than a moment, but even those seconds left me breathless, and it was only now that I could think again that I realized my cock was so hard it was tenting my hospital gown.

“Kor,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper, “what’s happening to me?”

He sat on the edge of the bed, then dragged his hand down from my neck, resting it across my lower abdomen. The heat of it was intense, and I was desperate for more, and desperate to shove him away because I didn’t think I could take it.

“You’re in heat.” His tone was flat, but there was an underlying rumble that I felt in my bones. “I thought the doctor might have explained that to you.”

“He might have,” I admitted, my cheeks hot. I didn’t know much about Omega heats, but I knew the propaganda we’d been fed. We were told their hormones made them wild, animalistic. They’d be found with their asses up in the air, rutting against anything that came close to their cocks, begging to be mounted—to be fucked. And I hated—I absolutely hated—that the mental image only made me want it. “I was so out of it.”

His hand drifted lower, close to my pelvis, and I sucked in a breath when he stopped. “I want to touch you.”

My eyes closed tight, my breath hitching in my chest with every inhale, because I wanted that. God, I wanted him. “Tell me what’s happening, Kor. Why does it feel so much better now that you’re here? Danyal swore that heats didn’t mean I’d be mindless, but I felt…” I trailed off because I didn’t have the words for what it was like.

“We bonded,” he told me. “Not completely, but close.”

I blinked at him, realizing for a second that he looked entirely different with his hair short and his face shaved, but the relief of being touched by him had eclipsed all of that. “How?” I finally asked, my voice still raspy. “How the hell did we bond?”

Kor licked his lips, then shrugged. “I don’t know. The doctor thinks maybe it was something to do with whatever the fuck your sadistic father shot you up with. But Wolves have mates, and when we find them, a bond forms. It’s like…”

“Compatibility,” I finished for him. “Usually to make babies.”

“Yes, but with Wolves, it’s more than that,” he said quietly. Kor’s hand inched closer to where I desperately wanted to be touched. “My wolf wants you.”

I swallowed thickly and stared up into his dark eyes. They were drifting back and forth a little bit, the sliver of yellow glowing like the sun. I reached up with a hand, and he breathed in my scent before turning his face and allowing me to cup his cheek.

“What about you?” I asked.

“My wolf is me,” he said, his voice gruff. He wrapped his fingers around my palm, then turned his face into it and nuzzled the center with his nose. “There’s no separating it from who I am. From what I am.”

I swallowed thickly and let my thumb graze the edge of his cheek, prickly with the way his beard was now growing since he wasn’t in the lab where a tech shaved his face every day. “Do you even like me though?”

The smallest smirk played at the corner of his lips. “I don’t know you, but I don’t dislike you.”
