Page 98 of One Percent of You

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Chapter Thirty-Six


My worries seemed pointless. A week passed since the tear-a-thon I’d done last Sunday, and I hadn’t heard from Scott or his family. Everything was back to normal. Well, except for the fact that I stopped texting Scott and asking if he’d like to see Lucy and Eli.

I stopped completely and it was a relief.

Lucy didn’t bring up her dad anymore, and I wasn’t going to either. I was done trying. If Scott wanted to try, I hoped for his sake he didn’t wait around until they were older and wanted nothing to do with them. It wouldn’t be my fault if it happened, but of course I’d get the blame—the villain. Maybe I was since it terrified me to think of still being with him if he had never opened my eyes by cheating. I would have dutifully and hopelessly stayed by his side because he was the father of my kids—Scott was just as much a child as Lucy and Eli.

Since meeting Elijah, I was clearer about a lot of stuff—all the little things I never really thought too much about before. I hadn’t seen how easily aggravated Scott would get some nights when I worked and had to stay with Lucy. I never noticed how much he’d rather play a video game than get a job. Scott always used the excuse of being in college preventing him from getting a job. It didn’t matter to him that I wore myself down working full-time and attending college. Not once did I ever imagine that I had a choice.

Honestly, everything felt too good to be true.

Elijah was all the things I’d never experienced before. Even before we’d gotten together, he went out of his way to help me. Seeing us every day never seemed like a burden for him. That was how much he wanted to see us. Even if it meant slipping into the apartment after twelve each night the past week just so he could lie with me, and talk to Lucy before our day started each morning. He filled up my SUV on the way home Sunday from his parents so that I wouldn’t have to stop for gas during the week despite my protests. He bought groceries without my knowledge while I was at work and took them to the apartment. I thought it was funny how he asked for the passcode claiming he’d forgotten his wallet the night before and needed it before he went to his shop. I didn’t know what to make of him. Honestly, I was out of my element with Elijah. It was hard to get used to someone doing things for me, especially when I never asked. I wasn’t struggling, anymore either. Since working at the hospital, I saved quite a bit of money, but we argued over Elijah doing things for the kids and me. Every time, he’d tell me, “You better get used to it.”

My heart swelled and quadrupled in size. Even if I didn’t know how to let Elijah care for us like he wanted, I was still in awe with him. He was beyond perfect and that was what was so scary.

Well, actually, I knew Elijah wasn’t perfect. I knew how much he cussed, how hateful and rude he could be. He often spoke first and thought later, but with us he gave us something sweet. His eyes lit up any time Lucy spoke to him. He made the effort to know Eli even though he was terrified of him. Eli recognized him when Elijah walked into the room. And to me, the man was my safe place. A place I didn’t know I needed. So, Elijah, to me and my little family, was perfect in all the ways that counted.

In reality, I had a feeling that Elijah and I were moving quickly. He hadn’t stayed a night away from me all week. Instead of worrying about that, though, my heart was more distraught of imagining him not being in my bed every night.

The fact of the matter was, I loved him hopelessly and that love only grew every day he looked at me and mine like we were his to love.

On Sunday morning when it was time for me to head to work, Elijah surprised me by saying, “Why don’t you let Lucy and Eli stay with me today so that they don’t have to get up?”

I stared down at his bare chest as he sat on the edge of the bed. He rubbed his stubbled jaw as he watched me. “Twelve hours is a long time to watch them…” I said hesitantly.

“It’s fine. I’ve changed Eli’s diaper a few times this week. I can do this. I know Eli doesn’t mind breast milk straight from the fridge cold. I got this and anything I don’t, Lucy can help me with.”

“You’ve never changed a poopy diaper,” I informed him. Sighing, I said, “I don’t know…”

“If things get rough, I can take them to your parents’ house or go to Ma’s. Would that make you feel better?”

“Why do you want to?” I asked. Scott was their dad and that man couldn’t be bothered to see them.

“Because I just do. Why would you take them to your parents when I’m right here?” He stood and wrapped his arms around me. “I’m here. Lean on me. I wouldn’t offer if this wasn’t something I didn’t care to do. You’re going to have to use me one day, why not start today?”

“Oh, fudge.” I propped my forehead on his shoulder. “Let me ask Lucy and see what she wants to do.” I already knew what she would say, though. “Please, Elijah, call the hospital if you need me or my mom. I’ll write down the numbers.”

“I’m going to go put the car seats in my truck while you’re asking Lucy.” He stepped around me.

I placed my hands on my hips. “You’re awfully confident.” He simply chuckled as I made my way to Lucy’s room. I didn’t turn on the light as I walked over to her bed and sat next to her head. “Lucy, Lucy.” I shook her until she stirred. She sat up for me slowly. “Elijah said you and Bubby can stay with him today? Or would you rather go to Mamaw and Papaw’s?”

“I want to stay here with Elijah.” She rubbed her eyes.

“You sure?” She nodded. “Lie back down and sleep some more.”

She was back out in seconds, and I hoped she didn’t regret her decision when she awakened.


Elijah 12:00 PM: SOS Send reinforcements. I don’t think Lucy and I will come back out alive after this one.

Elijah 12:10: We survived but Eli’s clothes did not. Jesus Christ. How does something so small make so much shit?!!?

Elijah 1:00 PM: I don’t think you’d approve of the clothes I put Eli in, so we’re taking the drive-thru at Wendy’s. Lucy and I are starving on just cereal. Neither of us can cook. It’s a serious problem.

Hadley 1:15 PM: Sorry, I keep my phone in the locker. I’m on my lunch now. Is everything all right? And please don’t scare me like that. -_-
