Page 12 of Craving The Chase

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Watching Chase walk away from me has put me in such a mood that I nearly toss him over my shoulder to take him back to my cave. His long legs and confident strides as he moves away into the distance has me captivated, entirely under his spell. As he disappears from sight, I light another cigarette and walk back to my parked car. Chase’s regular routine is that he’s usually in bed by midnight on the weekend, leaving me a few hours before I go over to his house tonight. My stomach grumbles, and I decide to go home and eat before starting my favorite part of the day, watching Chase sleep.

Arriving back at my apartment, I make myself a sandwich and grab a quick shower. By the time I’ve finished, it’s still too early to head over to Chase’s, so I lie down on my bed to have a power nap. When my eyes close and I begin to drift off, my phone rings. I know who it is without checking the screen. I’m a loner. I don’t spend time around others and detest the idea of having friends, so it can only be my dickhead father.

Accepting the call, I place it on speakerphone and don’t say anything. Getting a rise out of my dad is mildly entertaining but not enough to hold my interest.

“Are you there, Noah?” he asks, frustration lacing his tone.

“Yep,” I say and lay back down, my mind drifting to Chase. My Chase. Mine.

“You’re pushing it, Noah. Have you made contact with Wade? I need this contract, and you fucking around being pissy is delaying it,” he scolds.

“I told you, I’m not doing it,” I say. A slideshow of Chase’s body plays through my mind. That solid and smooth torso, his beautiful face. His firm thighs and plump ass.

“Now listen to me…” he begins, and I end the call before he starts another tirade. I’m going to have to put an end to the old man. He’s becoming more disruptive. My phone rings again, and I send it straight to voicemail before turning my phone off. If it rings one more time, I’d be tempted to smash it against the wall.

Pushing my body back into my bed, I start to become restless, my legs jerk in involuntary spasms as my skin feels like an army of ants are marching over it. I need to be close to him. Checking the time, it's eleven thirty pm. Maybe I should leave now? I can always sit and wait for him to go to bed. It's better than lying here resisting it. Fuck it.

I go to my closet and pick out my clothing. It’s not a long process, everything I own is black. Black jeans, sweater, and hoodie, along with my ski mask and gloves. It's been an extra taxing day for me, so I also make sure to grab condoms and baggies for disposal. There’s no way I will be able to resist getting off tonight.

Once I’m ready, I lock up my apartment and start the journey to see Chase.My Chase.

When I arrivein my usual spot on the street, I notice that there is no light coming from his living area or from any other part of the front of the house. I should really leave it for a while to make sure he is completely dead to the world of sleep. However, my body has other ideas, and as if on autopilot, I’m getting out of the car and walking to the side gate.

I only realize what I’m doing when a gust of wind slams the gate shut before I’ve had a chance to latch it.Shit. Did he hear that? I move quickly to the garden and stand under the tree that looks into his kitchen. I wait, but there’s no sign of life in the house. It's blanketed in darkness, and only the hue of the moon and street light provide a glow for me to be able to see where I’m going.

Using my key, I stick to my usual routine, a quick check of the living area downstairs, just in case he has any random guests over who couldn’t make it to the bedroom. All seems clear. I’m attuned to every part of this house, every creak, every nook to hide, every sound and smell. I know it inside and out.

Finally, I’m at his bedroom door, and I prepare myself. My dick is already stiff, and the more I visit here, the closer I am to just announcing myself and taking what I want. It's getting harder and harder to stay in the shadows. Carefully, I open his door. Peeking my head around the gap, I see him in his bed, fast asleep. Perfect.

Taking my usual spot in the comfy chair that I have claimed as my own, I relax and watch. Counting every breath, every sigh, every sound and movement that he makes, determined to burn it into my core memory. He’s on his back tonight, and with howlow down the sheet is over his groin, I can see the trimmed dark pubic hair taunting me. Unzipping my jeans, I grab my condom to complete my ritual, but then I stop. It's not enough. I want to defile him, mark him. With a wide grin on my face, an idea springs to mind as I stand and quietly walk over to the side of the bed. Fuck, this is gonna be hot.



My blaring phone rouses me from the deepest sleep ever known to man, and a big yawn stretches my mouth until tears prickle my eyes. As I shift in the bed to grab my phone off my bedside table, I feel something damp under the sheets.What the fuck?I remove the bedsheet from the lower part of my body and holy shit. Did I have a wet dream last night? The partially dried cum that covers my dick seems to confirm this thought. I haven’t had a wet dream since I was a teenager and even then it usually woke me. But, I was dead to the world last night, so I suppose it could have happened. This is more proof that my dick and ass have been neglected for way too long. My annoying phone continues to ring, and I ignore the mess for now to answer it.

“Hello?” I say as another yawn threatens to show itself.

“You still in bed, you lazy fuck?” my brother, Tyler, chuckles down the phone.

“What do you mean lazy, it's…shit, what time is it?” I ask with no fucking clue.

“It's nine o’clock. You’re normally up at dawn on the weekends. You okay?” he asks with a little concern in thesoftness of his voice. The only times I’ve ever slept in is when I’ve been unwell. Let's just say I’m an early riser.

“Yeah, I’m good. I went out with Liam and Jane last night and passed out when I got back home. It's been a long damn week,” I say as I flop back down onto the bed, trying to ignore the drying cum on my dick that I’m desperate to wash off.

“How’s Liam? Is Jane good?” he asks. Tyler has only met Liam a handful of times, but I talk enough about him that Tyler knows he’s an essential part of my life.

“Yeah, both are good. Really good, actually. Jane had the all-clear at her recent scan, so we decided to celebrate,” I say.

“That's awesome news. They must be relieved.”

“Oh, they are. Anyway, how are you? How’s sunny L.A.?” I ask. Tyler moved out there with work just as I finished college. He works as an architect for a large firm and was reluctant to leave me. But he deserves this. He looked after me for so long, he deserves to live his dream.
