Page 13 of Craving The Chase

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“It's great, you know, same old. Trying to date while working my ass off. But the reason I was calling is because I was thinking about coming to visit at the end of next month. It's been too long since I’ve seen you. I miss you,” he says in typical Tyler fashion. He can be an asshole, but he’s been the biggest inspiration in my life. If it wasn’t for him, I don’t know where I’d be.

“I miss you too, and of course, I’d love to see you. Let me know when so I can book time off work. I’m owed a few days, then we can catch up properly,” I say, already excited at the thought of him coming home.

“Okay, well, stay out of trouble, and I’ll text you next week with dates. Love you,” he says.

“You too. Bye, Tyler.” The call is an excellent start to the day and is a much needed mood boost.

Swinging my legs out of bed, resting my feet on the floor, I scrunch my nose at the now flaky cum on my dick. Yeah, I needa shower. What's the point of an orgasm if you’re not awake to enjoy it?

After I’ve showered, I make my way down into the kitchen to grab a much needed coffee, but I come to a stop in the center of the room. Something feels off. I look down on the floor and notice the floor mat is rumpled at the corner at the back door, which it does sometimes as I frequently catch my foot on it if I come through the back, but I swear it wasn’t like that last night. I haven’t used the rear door for months. I only use it in the summer.

Ugh, I’m losing my mind. I straighten the rug and conclude that I must’ve done it last night when I was tired. Who knows? Yep, it's definitely time for coffee before I go a step further and start talking to myself out loud.

Before I know it,it's Monday again, and I’m sitting behind my desk staring at my computer screen, where everything is a blur as I zone out, lost in my thoughts. Monday is a day I usually dread after everything that happened with Wade. But today, I’m a little more enthusiastic. Of course, it's nothing to do with seeing Noah. And I haven’t put on my best pants and shirt and spent way too long fixing my hair before I left this morning. I’m so fucking dumb. What the hell do I think is going to happen? That I’ll fall in love with the bad boy and live happily ever after? That only happens in over-the-top fictional romance books.

I lean back in my chair and grunt in frustration as I press the heels of my palms into my eyes like it will reprogram my fucked up brain. The bottom line is that Noah needs help. From our past couple of sessions, he displays psychopathic tendencies thatneed addressing. The two months of therapy stipulated by his lawyer should be enough to form a proper opinion and hopefully get somewhere with the sessions.

“Chase,” a heavy voice commands, which makes me jump in my chair, dropping my hands from my face. How the hell did I miss him coming in?

“Shit…you scared me, Noah. You should really knock before entering my office,” I say, feeling defensive as if he’s caught me doing something. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if he can read minds, especially with the way he is looking at me with a glint in his eyes like he knows what I’m thinking.

Without a word, he turns to the chair in my therapy area and drops himself into the cushions. I shamelessly check him out. His thighs are spread wide, his arms casually hanging over the arms of the chair, the rings that adorn his fingers glint in the light. I take a few seconds to wonder what they would feel like running over my flesh.

Noah looks more his age today, youthful, wearing a plain black hoodie and ripped jeans with combat boots. His black hair looks more styled as I scan his face, his piercing green stare on me, those tattoos on his neck that I want to touch and memorize with my fingers. Goddamn it, I’ve never been like this before.Chase, he’s a patient. Focus!

I manage to go over to the other chair without tripping up on my own feet, cross my right leg over my left knee, and open his notes, ready to dig more into this complex guy who just happens to be the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen.

“So, did you have a nice weekend?” I ask.

“It was good,” he responds and then leans forward towards me, resting his elbows on his knees. The temperature in the room is starting to feel like a sauna. I clear my throat so I don’t sound like a choir boy whose voice is breaking.

“Did you do anything nice?” I inquire. I’m not sure if this is a professional question or if I’m being nosy. But he shocks the shit out of me by actually answering.

“Yeah, I had a really good time, actually. Nice to let off a bit of steam.” He grins, continuing to make me squirm further into the chair with his gaze. Fucking hell, does he ever blink?

“Good. That's good. Um, so I saw in your notes that your family lives close by. Do you see them much?” I ask. Noah’s face takes on a stony look, and the mask that slides over his features makes him impossible to read.

“Let's not ruin the mood. What about you, Chase?” he says, leaning back into the chair again, relaxing his posture. I note that family is a trigger topic that we can come back to another time with a different tactic.

“What about me?” I ask, suspicious of the question reversal.

“Did you have a nice weekend?” he asks, and it feels like some kind of trap. There is a tone to the question, as if he’s trying to test me.

“Yes, I did, I met up with some friends. But this is about you, not me…” I don’t get to finish as he interrupts.

“But it is about you. I want to know more about you, Chase,” he says. The timbre of his voice sounds animalistic, like he is commanding me. And holy shit, I feel my body surrender to that tone. The eager submissive part of me that I try to keep hidden, ashamed of the desires I have wants to break free.

“W-why?” I ask in a whisper, my breathing making it hard to talk in a confident manner. I need to assert myself. This guy has the potential to ruin me, and that's just from his voice.

Noah stands and gracefully glides over to me, towering above me, and I nearly swallow my tongue. His eyes have changed to dark pools, almost like his body has been taken over by another being. Noah grabs the arms of the chair on either side of me andlowers his face down to align with mine.I can’t breathe, oh my god.

He doesn’t answer straight away and just takes his time, roaming his eyes over every inch of my face. It's so powerful it feels like a touch, a lingering feeling with every movement of his eyes that leaves a trail of heat. He raises his hand, and my eyes latch onto those rings. No idea why I find them so hot, but I do. With a maddening, unrushed pace, he glides a finger gently along my forehead, tracing down my cheeks towards my jaw. Out of all the sexual encounters in my life, this is the most erotic moment I’ve ever experienced. He’s barely touching me, and it's the most sexy I’ve ever felt.

In all of my past relationships I never felt I was important, my partner was never present emotionally. But with Noah, a complete fucking stranger, I feel seen, like he can’t bear to look away from me. Everything in my head is saying this is wrong, and to move away, to break this pull between us. But I can’t. My eyes close as I endure the tortuous tease of his fingers. I don’t even try to hide the quick gasps that leave my mouth. It's so freeing to let go. When he’s this close to me, it’s like a calming balm over my soul. Every knot and stress point in my body completely dissolves.

“Open your eyes, Chase,” he says in that powerful, low voice again, and I obey. It comes so naturally, like I’m under some kind of spell. He moves in closer, lips so close to mine, and I swear to god, if he kisses me, I’ll cum. I’m at war with whether I want that or not. Then finally, he answers my question as his breath ghosts over my mouth.

“I want to knoweverythingabout you, Chase.Every.Thing.” He enunciates each word in a harsh whisper, and my head feels light and woozy. For a brief second, I think he’s going to kiss me, but he moves back and walks over to the door. I’m too turned on and drunk on lust to speak.
