Page 14 of Craving The Chase

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“I’ll be seeing you very soon, Chase,” he says, and then just walks out of the door like he didn’t just edge me into oblivion. I look down at my stiff cock that is pressed against my zipper, and I remain in my chair, staring at it. I’m stunned. What the hell just happened, and why do I want more?



Sitting in my car, I wait outside Chase’s building for him to finish work. After the near kiss yesterday, my obsession has gotten worse. It consumes me on so many levels that if I don’t fill my hunger for him, I’ll starve. I have to have eyes on him as much as possible, and I would prefer it to be twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Sipping on my espresso from the local hippy coffee shop, I wait a while longer before Chase leaves and I see that he’s not alone. The rugged guy from the restaurant is with him, and I don’t like how it makes me burn to the bone with hate and jealousy. I hate that he sees Chase both in and out of work, and it makes me want to tear the fucker’s eyes out. But the feeling passes quickly as I remind myself that once Chase is wholly mine, he won’t need anyone else. I’ll be all he sees, all he desires, and all he wants in this life. He won’t be able to live without me, and I like that idea.

Chase gets into his car and drives home as I follow, keeping enough distance that I won’t be on his radar. About twenty minutes later, we get to his street, and I hold back until he goes into his house. Just as I’m about to park, the fuckhead ex, Wade,turns up and parks behind Chase’s car on the driveway. What the fuck is that prick doing here?

Looking as douchey as ever in his pristine suit and perfectly slick hair, Wade knocks on the front door, which swings open to reveal my hottie Chase. This is another new expression that I soak up as I watch my feisty Chase deal with this cunt head on. Even from this distance, I can see the vein on Chase’s forehead bulge and his neck strain with tension, his lips tight, and his eyes squinting with disdain. This isn’t a happy visit, which delights me on the one hand, but it maddens me that Wade just shows up like this.

I can’t hear what's being said, but I can hear Chase’s raised voice as his body blocks the entrance, which puts my mind at ease. Otherwise, I’d have to break the fucking door down and end the bastard. After Chase gesticulates a lot, Wade appears to give up and takes a step back as Chase slams the door in his face. Watching him get angry is like watching a cornered cat hissing with its claws out, and for a brief second, I imagine those claws scratching the skin off my back as I fuck him into another world. A dejected looking Wade begrudgingly walks back to his car, casting a longing look at the house before he gets into his car and leaves. Yeah, he needs to be dealt with.

New plans in motion, I drive off after Wade. It's time to lay some fucking boundaries.

As I follow Wade down the highway, my cell rings through the car speakers, and I immediately disconnect the call. This is too many issues in one day to deal with. I don’t need the fucking obstacles, and my dad is at the forefront. Suddenly, I remember that Dad wanted me to deal with Wade for his contract issues, but that now just makes me want to keep the fucker alive, just to show what little effect he has on me.

I follow closely behind Wade as he parks on the street not far from his building, and I manage to get a parking spot closebehind. It's a nice area, not as great as where I live, but it's definitely an expensive location. The streets are well lit, and there are plenty of alleyways to hide in. Wade still hasn’t left his car, so I make my way down toward his building to hide in one of the dark alleys. I put my hood over my head and keep to the darkest parts at the edge of the sidewalk.

As I huddle up against the wall of the alley, I peer out to see Wade locking his car and moving toward me. Checking up and down the street, it's pretty quiet. Nobody is walking around, so this should be quick and simple.

Just as he approaches the alley opening, I get him in a chokehold from behind and drag him into the dark with me before slamming him into the wall and punching him in the stomach.

“Fuck,” he shouts, but I grab him by the throat and pull him upright with one hand over his mouth, the other pushing against his chest, using my entire weight to pin him to the wall. I quickly grab my knife from my pocket and aim it at his throat.

“I’m gonna take my hand away from your mouth. If you scream, I will slice your throat. Got it?”

Wade nods eagerly as I pull my hand away.

“You can take my wallet, just take it and let me go,” he pleads.

“I don’t want your wallet, fucker. This is a warning. Stay the hell away from Chase.”

“What? Chase? Who the hell are you?”

“He’s mine, and you’ve been hassling him. I’m telling you to stop.”

Douchebag scoffs and shakes his head.

“I’ll do what I want. There’s no way Chase would bother with someone like you,” he says.

I grab him by the jaw to hold him in place. “What are you doing?” he rasps, eyes widening at the sight of my knife moving closer to his face. Using my body weight to push him furtherinto the wall to stop him moving, I lift the knife and slice it slowly down his face, cheekbone to mouth, where his paling skin splits open and blood pools around the superficial wound. Such a satisfying vision.

“Ow, stop! What the fuck!”

Wade grabs his face with his hand to try and stop the bleeding.

“That's your warning. I won’t be so kind next time. And if you even think of reporting this, I will smother you in your sleep.”

Pressing the tip of the knife into his throat, I lean in to whisper against his ear. “I know where you live, Wade Merchant. I can also get in without anyone noticing.”

Wade starts to shake as the blood overspills into his hand. I step back to let him go. Pretty sure the message has been received.

“I’d get that looked at before it gets infected, Wade.” I wipe my knife down the front of his jacket and wander back to my car.

