Page 135 of Power Play Rivals

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“Oh, come on, gorgeous. You know I’m only teasing.” He laughs, running behind me while still holding onto his abdomen.

“Go away, Caleb. The adults have bigger things to do than waste their time talking to a man with the maturity equivalent of a ten-year-old.”

“Ten, huh? Jack always says five. I’ll make sure to tell him,” he continues to joke.

“You know what? Your brother’s right. I was being generous when I said ten,” I smirk as I push the button to the elevator. As I look around the almost empty open-office area, something dawns on me. “Why are you here, Caleb? Everyone’s gone home.”

“Came to talk to the boss.” He shrugs.

“Oh?” I cross my arms over my chest. “Isn’t that my job?”

“Yeah, but I figured you’d be too busy with other things, like playing house and whatnot.” He wiggles his brows.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You know? House?” And when he goes to fuck the air again, I slap him across the head.

“Geez, Piper. I would have thought that, with you and Trent living together, you’d be less mean.”

“Excuse me?!” I all but shout at the idiotic thing he just said. “Trent and I are not living together. Where did you hear that absurdity?”

“Oh, I might have eavesdropped on the boss talking to the old man a few days ago in passing,” he explains, rubbing the back of his head.

“Well, you heard wrong. Trent and I are not living together.”

“Are you sure about that?” Caleb asks, this time sounding serious.

My forehead creases as I contemplate his question.

When I take too long to answer, Caleb places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a comforting squeeze.

“Just so you know, if a guy has more than a toothbrush at his girlfriend’s place, that usually means he’s living with her.”

I step into the elevator in complete denial, but once I reach the ground floor, I’m fuming.

Instead of going back to the office like I should, I go home and scan my apartment for clues.

And what I find is beyond aggravating.

In my kitchen, I find my fridge full of real food instead of my usual Styrofoam takeouts. In my living room, there are sports magazines on my coffee table, along with books on management and business. When I walk into my bedroom and open the drawers to my dresser, I find that a few of them have his pajamas, boxers, and socks. And when I open my closet, I’m startled to see that at least a good quarter of it is filled with expensive suits and shirts. Even my bathroom is filled with his personal toiletries

The fucker tricked me!

I’m living with Trent Nichols and didn’t even know it.

This was never about a silly bet.

This was his way to prove to me that we could be together without me always needing to run for the hills.

He played me.

And like a sucker, I fell for it.

I have to put a stop to this madness.

The sooner, the better.

For both our sakes.
