Page 164 of Power Play Rivals

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“No?!” Piper’s jaw goes agape. “Erin? I just danced with Jack, and he didn’t say anything to me!”

“Yep. I swear, my brother won’t quit until he has a whole hockey team of babies walking around the house.” He smirks. “But keep it on the down low. Jack doesn’t want to tell anyone yet, being that it’s our boy Nate’s day and all.”

“I won’t say a word.” Piper laughs.

“Okay, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone.” He winks, strutting away while flipping his new car keys up and down in the air.

“That boy needs to get his head examined. I swear, he gets too excited about the wrong things,” Piper giggles as I wrap my arms around her waist to continue our slow dance.

“I’m sure that’ll change soon enough,” I say before peppering her chin and neck with kisses.

“Yeah? How do you figure?”

“When he finds the right woman, the one that was always meant to be his, those little things like cars and gossip will cease to matter. All he’ll ever care about is her.”

Piper’s eyes hood as her body flushes against mine.

“You really are good at that, you know?”

“Good at what?” I ask.

“Saying the right thing at the perfect moment,” she whispers breathlessly.

“Is that so?” I reply, nibbling on the slope of her neck and then up to her earlobe.

“Hmm,” she moans.

“Then how about you and I find a dark corner so I can say all those pretty things to you again while I fuck you from behind?”

Her crystal-blue eyes smolder as she licks her lips.

“I thought you’d never ask?”

“Hmm,” Piper purrs sluggishly as I place sweet kisses on her face. “Don’t go,” she begs drowsily. “It’s too early for you to go.”

“As much as I would prefer to stay here with you, I have to leave, kitten. Today’s the day Rex finally sells the club over to Preston. I want to be there when it happens.”

“But the sun isn’t even out yet,” she pouts, successfully pulling at my heartstrings.

“I want to spend an hour at the gym first.”

“I didn’t give you enough of a workout last night?” she smiles, her eyes closed.

“That you did, love,” I grin, thinking of all the ways we fucked last night after coming home from the wedding ceremony.

I even made a mental note to get invited to more weddings since, apparently, it’s one of Piper’s secret aphrodisiacs.

My woman might not be ready to take such a big step yet, but she sure is ready for the honeymoon stage.

“Fine, go.” She frowns, hugging my pillow to her and wrapping her naked body around it.

I bend down and place a tender kiss on her lips and another on her temple.

“Call me when you wake up, love,” I whisper and then say the words she already knows by heart, “I love you.”

Her frown morphs into a beautiful smile, hugging my pillow even more tightly.

Reluctantly, I force myself to step away and leave, unable to resist throwing one more glance at my woman.
