Page 27 of Damned Embers

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This time his hand against the wall moves to grasp my neck as he moves further down with his mouth. Using his teeth he pulled the edges of my black lace bra to the side freeing my nipple. He began kissing, sucking, and biting. I knew I would have a hickey or two from him when this was over.

Small cries left my lips as my legs began to quiver, and my orgasm no longer being able to be held at bay. I was going to come whether he told me I could or not. His fingers moved faster in and out of me, each time he hit my G-spot as his palm would rub over my clit. In seconds, I was falling apart in his arms. The only reason my cries were quiet was thanks to his hand around my neck cutting off my air supply. He knew I loved the breath play with him, it added that extra edge I needed sometimes to find my end.

“You’re such a good girl falling apart in my arms as you did,” he mumbles against my skin as he kisses up my chest. “Now, be a good girl and get dressed. I think you have enough clothes.”

All I can do is nod, watching as he pulls away from me and leaves the dressing room the same way he entered. Sagging back against the wall, I slid down the wall until my ass hits the floor.

“What the fuck did you just do, Sky?” I murmur to myself. Looking at the mirror in front of me I see my chest and cheeks flush from my release. My legs were still quivering, unable to hold me up. Fuck, I’m already regretting letting my needy cunt rule me. Distance is what we need and lots of it after this.

Chapter Fifteen

Hours ago Gunner disappeared bright and early, saying something about errands to run. I barely heard him as he slammed the door behind him, my mind too focused on finding some coffee so I could wake up. I probably shouldn’t have had all the drinks last night but it was the only thing quieting my mind enough to find some semblance of sleep. The longer we had to spend around Sky, the more my memories were coming back to haunt me. She needed to leave. Immediately.

Her being here was changing the dynamics between us once again. Creed was barely hanging on, just one fuck up away from spiraling again. I was drinking more. Gunner… Well, he was acting weird and disappearing a lot more than usual. I also noticed him watching Sky, more than I would have expected. If he’s falling for her once more this could be an issue between all of us.

She destroyed us once. I wasn’t going to let her do it again.

“Where’s Gunner?” Creed questions, walking into the living room with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Why don’t you put some damn clothes on first?” I sigh, knowing it’s a pointless comment, but a habit nonetheless.

Completely ignoring my comment, Creed plops his towel-covered ass right next to me on the couch, using the coffee table where I have music sheets spread out as a footrest. “Dude,” I sigh, shaking my head in frustration. “Do you mind? I was working here.”

“Eh, it can wait. Have you noticed Gunner acting weird?” he inquires, his voice laced with concern.

Sometimes it’s scary how well we all know each other.“Yeah, I was just thinking about that. Something is up with him and I’m not so sure it’s a good thing.”

“I think he’s spending time with Sky. You saw how he reacted in the hallway with her,” he sighs, shaking his head. “This isn’t good, Man. She broke all our hearts once. Why would he give her a chance to do it again? Nothing good can come from this. We need to do something. Intervene somehow.”

“I know,” I answer, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I’ll talk to Alexandra and see if there’s something she can do to keep Sky busy and spend less time around all of us. We have the press conference in an hour and a half to announce Sky’s arrival back to the band and to let everyone know the tour will be starting back up in two days. Once the tour is going we won’t have to see her as much.”

“I’ll trust you to figure it out, but uh…” he pauses, looking me over. “Maybe go take a shower before the press conference. You need to shave dude; your five o’clock shadow is…well, more than a five o’clock shadow.”

“Thanks, Asshole,” I grumble, gathering the music sheets that were spread out and putting them back into a neat pile. I hadn’t been actively working on them for the last half hour as it was. I was too busy worrying about Gunner and what the hell to do about Sky to work on new music for us.


“Please welcome to the stage Damned Embers!” Alexandra shouts as the crowd around us roars.

I thought this was supposed to be a small press conference to make a couple of announcements. Either our fans got ahold of the news extremely fast, or something had been advertised because, instead of just facing some of the more popular music press agencies, hundreds of our fans showed up as well. We had all believed this would just be taking place in the conference room of the hotel we were staying at, but after Alexandra and our guards shuffled us into two large blacked-out Suburbans, I should have known something was amiss. The press conference was being held out of the football stadium where our first concert back on the road would be taking place.

A small stage was set up with two tables that had black clothes over top. Four chairs were set up in place behind them for all of us. From the side of the stage, hidden behind black curtains, I could already see the crowd was huge.This sucks.

Creed shoves me forward from behind, getting my feet moving. Putting on a blank face, I start to walk forward doing the normal routine of waving to the crowd as I head to my seat. Creed follows close behind me with Gunner behind him. Sky had been told to stay behind to make a dramatic entrance. I wish I could say our fans wouldn’t care about her return, but I remember how loved she was, and they are going to go crazy when they realize she’s here.

Alexandra waits until the crowd settles down before speaking once again. “Now, I know you all have been wondering who we could have gotten to fill in after Ezra’s passing. Well, it’s your lucky night! We are pleased to announce the new lead guitarist for Damned Embers!” She pauses a moment to let the crowd ponder. “Some, if not most of you, might recognize this guitarist. Please welcome to the stage, Skylar Mason!”

Sky’s entrance to the stage was perfectly timed with Alexandra calling out her name. The second the crowd laid eyes on her, they went wild. The screams were near deafening as Sky made her way to the table, taking her seat beside Gunner. I have a feeling he’s protecting her by putting himself between us and her. I wanted to talk to him about her earlier, but he only made it back to our hotel suite with enough time to shower and get ready. For the car ride over he ducked into the same Suburban as Sky not giving us a chance to say differently. After tonight I’m definitely corning him about his actions.

“I’m going to turn this event over to our band members and let them answer your questions. Please only ask your question if you are called upon. We will try to get to everyone,” Alexandra explains, turning things over to us.

For the next hour, we each sit here, calmly answering every question under the sun that is tossed at us. Many people are interested in knowing why Sky had left the band previously and why she chose to return now. Thankfully, most of the talking is done by her, leaving us men to sit and listen, only adding comments here and there. I was counting down the minutes until I knew we would all be free. It goes longer than I anticipated, but the second Alexandra announces we’re done, I just about bolt out of the chair. The car ride back to the hotel is tense, my knee bouncing with a need for a glass of whiskey on the rocks and this nightmare to be over.

“I know you have something to say to me,” Gunner calls out the second the elevator doors close. Thankfully, Sky and her security team were waiting for the next elevator because I wasn’t about to hold back on my thoughts.

“You’re right,” I ground out trying to keep my temper at bay. “What the fuck is going on with you and her? Do you not remember what happened the last time? Why would you put yourself, and us, through that again?”

“Not everything is as it seems, Sebastian,” he explains with a shake of his head as he enters our hotel room, moving toward the kitchen island pulling out a stool to sit on. “I’m not falling back in love with her. However, we all need to play nice for the sake of the label and our contract. I’m doing that. If we can’t find a way to all get along our stage presence is going to be lacking and the fans won’t like it. Which means the label will have all our asses.”
