Page 54 of Damned Embers

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I don't bother to look and see if he listens to me. I pull back the covers just enough to slide in beside Sky and scoot her into the middle of the bed. Instinctively in her sleep, she plasters herself to my chest. Placing her arm across my chest and her left wrapped around my own. Finally, I feel like I'm home and can let calmness settle over my body. Sky is here, safe, in my bed beside me. Nothing will ever touch her again. Not with me here.

"I love you, Princess," I murmur softly, dropping a kiss on the top of her head before I close my eyes and let sleep claim me. I don't even notice when Gunner gets out of the shower and crawls into bed beside us. With Sky sleeping in my arms once more, everything that was wrong in my world was finally back on its axis.

Chapter Thirty-Two

My dreams were plagued with nightmares. Alexandra's face haunted me in my sleep. I couldn't escape. Terror filled me with each new dream. I kept thinking that Alexandra was going to come after me, or that I truly hadn't gotten away and when I opened my eyes I was going to be in that cold dark cell once again.

Vaguely I remember waking and feeling arms tighten around me as a soothing voice calmed me back to sleep. Sometimes they just murmured sweet things in my ear before I fell back asleep, and other times they sang softly to me. In the back of my mind, I knew I was safe with them. The panic disappeared so sleep could claim me once more. In my sleep-addled brain though I had no idea what was happening or who was with me.

I couldn't tell you how long I'd been asleep. Tossing and turning. My body needed all the rest it could get and then some. I wanted to sleep longer. I wasn't ready to wake up and face whatever this day would bring. Would I wake up in a cell or in a soft bed?

I'm almost positive I escaped. I remember leaving Alexandra tied up and I remember stepping up to a hotel room door.

Deciding the only way forward was to brave the unknown, I slowly begin to open my eyes, cracking one at a time. In front of me is a rock-hard chest that I've clearly been using as a pillow if the little pile of drool on their chest is any indication. Upon closer inspection, I see the tattoos on the chest. Some look pretty fresh but there are a few that are old. My fingers trace over the designs until I come to a stop when I see the one place over the chest's heart. It's a guitar pick with a heart in the middle of it. Inside the heart is a word...a name... Princess in a fancy script.


I know whose chest I'm lying on. Only one person I know has that tattoo. I was with him when he got it. I could never forget that night. Right now, though, I wish I had. I wish I wasn't curled up on his chest. Getting out of bed and away from him was the first thing that needed to happen. Then I could figure out what was going on. I could think clearly away from him.

"Why'd you stop?" a voice rough with sleep questions.

I jolt back, pulling my hand away from their skin as I try to push myself away from their body. I don't get far, realizing they have one hand wrapped around my shoulders and there's another person's arm wrapped around my waist.

"If you're going to keep moving around like that, you better be willing to take care of the little problem that you are making so much worse," another male's voice grunts as his arm tightens around me.

"I...," I struggle to get any sort of coherent words to form. I try to pull away out of their grips once more but the attempt is fruitless.

"Sky, Princess, stop squirming," Sebastian demands, flipping me onto my back as he rolls us so his body is hovering barely above me. "You're safe. No one is going to hurt you. No one is going to touch you. I–" he's cut off during his speech by Gunner clearing his throat. "–we," he emphasizes, rolling his eyes for good measure, "will never let anyone touch you or harm you ever again. If we fail in that regard you can kill us yourself."

"Why?" I croak out, my throat dry. Sebastian has been an asshole to me ever since I returned. I don't blame him for it, not one bit I did break his heart. His heart clearly still has feelings for me if the tattoo he wasn't covered up means anything. However, that isn't enough. I deserve better than that from him. I want someone who is going to treat me right, to be there for the highs and lows. To fight with me and tell me I'm wrong, even if I'm positive that I'm right. Gunner and Creed have apologized, and have worked on earning my forgiveness. Sebastian hasn't.

"That's a long story, Pretty Girl," he murmurs, leaning down so his lips almost brush mine. I can feel his breath on my lips, I know if I just leaned up a tiny bit I could kiss him.

Damnit. No Sky. Don't think with your vagina right now.

"You hate me," I mutter, shaking my head while I try to buck him off me. All it manages to do is press his impressive length further into the apex of my legs. I almost moan when he rubs against my clit, but somehow, by a miracle of god himself, I keep my mouth shut.

"I don't have you," he sighs. "I could never hate you. You are my whole entire fucking world. You broke me, tore out my heart, and left it in a million pieces. I was left questioning why my own fucking wife up and left in the middle of the night without a word. I searched for you. I hired some of the best damn private investigators and no one could find you. I swore to myself if I ever saw you again I would make you pay for what you did to me."

I gasp at his words. I didn't think he'd go that far. I should have known he would try to look for me even though I asked them not to. It's not within Sebastian to just let something go, especially someone that he loves. It's why I hid myself as well as I did. I'm going to have to talk to my bosses when I escape this room to question why they never told me Sebastian was looking for me. They had to have known he was.

"Yes, Princess," he smiles. "You are mine and I was and never am letting you go."

"Do you still want to hurt me?" I let the vulnerability I'm feeling leak into my voice, needing to know the truth from him.

"You're my wife. I couldn't hurt you. Not then, not now, not ever." Sebastian doesn't wait for an answer before closing the distance between us. His lips are on mine, demanding me to kiss him back. I do, giving him everything he's giving to me. I never forgot him. My husband, my lover, my best friend. My body craves his touch, and he doesn't disappoint, running one hand down my side before bringing it back up to wrap around my neck. "I'm never letting you go again," Sebastian whispers when he breaks the kiss.

"Mine," I whisper in return, letting my eyes show him how much I still love him.

"You just had to bring up the damn fact that you were the one who got to legally marry her didn't you," Gunner groans, before shoving Sebastian off me. "Sure, she has your damn last name but right now she's mine because you've been being an ass."

I don't get a choice in the matter. Gunner grabs me and pulls me off the bed with him. I expected him to put me down but he just lifts me and carries me out the bedroom door in a bridal hold. Giggles escape me as I hold on, waiting to see where he takes me. Behind us, Sebastian is growling and stalking our every move. Gunner doesn't take me far, just down the hallway where it opens into the large living space of the suite where more people than I can imagine are sitting.

"Oh my god, Sky!" Emma gushes. "Gunner, you put her down right now! She needs food and water and to not have you damn men holding her hostage." Her tone leaves no room for argument. Gunner gives me a quick look and I shrug. I'm not getting in the middle of this. "Gunner," she demands once more.

He walks over to the couch, gently sitting down with me in his lap. His hands wrap around my waist preventing me from moving or anyone having a chance to move me. "Possessive much?" I whisper, teasing him.

"Don't test me right now, baby." He places a kiss right behind my earlobe.
