Page 57 of Damned Embers

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"We need to do something about William. We can't let the actions of his brother and niece stand. One bad egg in the family is enough, but two? What the fuck does that say about William?" Gunner demands as he paces across the living room.

He isn't wrong. Years ago before Sky left I had a bad feeling about William. The deal Unchained Records was giving us was massive. There was no way we could pass it up but thanks to my parent's help I was able to get us a contract that wouldn't harm us in the end. I even tucked a clause hidden inside that would protect Sky if anything ever happened to any of us. It made her untouchable as long as she had one of our last names. Having my last name made her even more untouchable. We didn't tell anyone except the guys when we went to get married. Even our parents don't know the truth. It was something for just us. We knew our parents would want to make a big deal out of it but it wasn't like that for us. We just need our group. That was enough. Or at least it was for Sky. I wouldn't have minded showing her off to the whole world, letting them know that she's taken by me and I'll hurt anyone who tries to hurt her.

"When Sky is ready we will go speak with William, pull our contract, and call an end to our partnership. We had been thinking about going off on our own for a while now just never had a reason. Now we do." It isn't the best time but I guess there isn't really a best time for deciding to branch out on our own. We at least already have things in place; we just never pulled the trigger. I suppose it's time. Unchained Records had their chance and fucked it up. No more.

"Should we take her with us?" Gunner questions thoughtfully. "It sounds like she and Creed are having some fun anyway. We all know Sky gets sleepy after sex. We could go without them."

"No," I shake my head. "We need to present a united front. All of us together. If only the two of us show up they will try to rip holes into our defense. No, Creed and Sky need to be with us."

"What if we leave Sky behind here with everyone to watch her? I don't want her anywhere near William, especially not after everything," he argues.

I understand where he's coming from. If I thought leaving her behind would do any good then I would allow it but it won't. She is a part of Damned Embers. She is one of the original members. We need her with us. She doesn't need to speak but she does need to be part of the united front. No weaknesses.

"We need her with us," I counter. "It would be a slight not only to our band but also to Sky if we leave her behind me. She is a part of this and always will be." I watch as my brother tries to come up with something to argue back with but he gets nowhere. "Sky will be safe with us. No one will touch her. If they do, they die. Simple as that."

"What are you going to shoot someone if they look at her the wrong way?" He chuckles darkly before his eyes darken like it isn't the worst idea he's ever said.

"Tempting, but that would cause too many issues," I retort. "When she wakes up we go."

With that settled, I head to my room to take a very cold shower. Listening to my brother fuck our girl has my dick hard enough to cut ice. I'm going to need to get myself off multiple times to take care of this. Damn that woman for doing this to me.

Chapter Thirty-Four

"Good afternoon, Sleepyheads!" Gunner shouts as he pushes the door open seconds before jumping onto Creed's bed. Thankfully, I was already starting to wake up and was alert enough to curl up into a ball so his body didn't smother me completely. Creed, however, wasn't lucky enough. Gunner landed most of his weight on him.

"Get the fuck off me, man," he groans from beside me as he does his best to kick Gunner off the bed. "Not all of us got to sleep with our girl all night long. I actually was out trying to fucking find her. So you can fuck right off."

"Oh stop being so grumpy you got to have sex with our girl while Bas and I had to listen so it really doesn't seem like you got the short end of the stick here," he retorts.

I chuckle at that, reminding them that I'm still laying next to them. "He's right, Creed," I chime in. "You did get to fuck my brains out earlier, and it was amazing." I roll over to place a soft kiss on his jaw and settle my head on his shoulder blade.

"Not the point, baby girl," Creed groans, accepting his fate of Gunner basically laying on top of him.

"The point," Gunner breaks in before Creed could say more. "is that we got shit to do so you both need to get up. Unless you want to still be attached to Unchained Records?"

"No fucking thank you," Creed growls, his arm tightening around my shoulders.

"That's what I thought!" Gunner grins smugly. "Demon Queen, there are clothes in my room for you. I had Valentina bring your things over here. Hopefully, you approve of the outfit that I chose for you today."

"Oh, picking my clothes out for me? Are you sure we're at that level? I mean last I checked I know how to dress myself thank you very much," I taunt as I disentangle myself from both of them and crawl off the other side of the bed. I don't bother trying to cover myself with the sheet or even finding Sebastian's t-shirt and boxers that I had on earlier. Fuck it. If they don't want me walking around naked then that's their problem, not mine. I'm confident enough in my body.

I don't look back as I stride out of the room and toward Gunner's. As I'm pushing his door open, Sebastian walks out of his room. "It's a good thing there is no one in this suite except for us. If anyone saw you naked I would gouge their eyes out." His tone is dark and deadly as he watches me. My only answer is to smile before shutting the bedroom door behind me. I sort of like his overprotective side.

Whatever hit Sebastian upside the head in the past twenty-four hours is driving me nuts. The guy was so cold to me since I came back, not that I blamed him at all. Just now, all of a sudden he is trying to make up for things and show me that he cares. It's scary as fuck. When do you say it's too little too late? My body doesn't think it is, but my heart does. I can't help but feel like he is going to hurt me again. Gunner and Creed are all in, I know that and they've shown it with their actions. That's not to say that Bas hasn't, well he didn't until I showed up outside the hotel door after saving myself. I vaguely remember that he took care of me, bathed me, and got me into bed. He's been patient and calm with me since morning, but also overbearing. It's weird and I don't know how to react to it.

The one thing that I do know, if he is going to make it up to me he better grovel.

Shoving my thoughts about Sebastian into a neat little box in my mind I focus on the clothes that Gunner laid out for me. There is no damn way he expects me to actually wear that, does he? Sitting on the bed is a pair of skinny-leg ribbed black motorcycle jeans. Those are cute. I can even handle the black heels with silver studs all over them. It's the shirt and lingerie sitting on the bed that is a no. Actually, that's not totally true. I can handle the lingerie. It's a cute bright lacy red set. The shirt however shows off way too much. It's just a sheer black shirt with silver speckles throughout. Everyone will see my bra throughout.

I've never been comfortable in my body and this is reminding me of that. I prefer clothes that hide me. They can be skin-tight but see-through is not for me. No, thank you. There is no way that Gunner chose this. He knows better, or at least he used to.

Putting all the other clothes on, I skip the shirt, leave it on the bed, and march into the closet. He said my clothes had been brought over so I'm assuming they were put in the closet for me. And it looks like I'm right as I enter. My clothes take up one side of the closet. I search through my small collection until I settle on a black baggy t-shirt. I had forgotten I had packed it initially when this journey started. It's our band's very first t-shirt that Sebastian had designed before we had gotten our first contact. The T-shirt is huge on me and hangs off one shoulder. Looking at it brings back the memories of the first time I styled it to wear out. It drove Sebastian insane and he couldn't take his hands off me for the night.

Staring at it, I contemplate putting it back and choosing something else. Then the bold side of me comes out. Fuck it, he deserves to be tortured and I want to see if it will drive him insane as much as it used to. I throw the shirt on over the top of my bra and move to the attached bathroom. I've been avoiding this part, looking in the mirror and seeing how horrible I look.
