Page 107 of Take Her from You

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I clamped my arms and legs around him, rocked to my core, and fighting a wave of emotion. Because God, that had been good. I needed to do it again.

Chapter 30


Somewhere in the distance, beeping filtered through my haze. “Hush, whatever that is. We’re not available,” I breathed.

On me, Valentine gave a rumble of amusement and dropped a kiss to my temple. “I think that’s the oven timer. I need to turn the meat.”

“Think you already did that,” I quipped.

It was barely innuendo and definitely not funny, but he laughed like I was hilarious, kissed me again, then climbed up and left the room. Him pulling out of me brought a sticky sensation that was new and definitely interesting, but quickly enough he returned with a warm washcloth to take care of the mess.

Then he pulled the blanket over my naked, totally sated form. “Be back after I’ve handled my beef.”

I sighed, watching his tight backside and long legs as he walked away. A minute later and he was back, hopping intobed with me and wrangling the covers over us both. Valentine spooned me, his hand delving into my cleavage and palming my breast.

“Quick conversation, though it’s stating the obvious.” He settled in close.


“What we just did—I’m clean. I had a health check as part of the job. Thought it was worth mentioning.”

“I am, too. Also, on the pill, so we’re covered there.”

He breathed out. “Aye, I figured. Not that you’d want a surprise mini-Valentine popping up.”

“Even if they had your eyes?” I asked dryly, referring to his chat-up line from when Daisy and Ariel had been here.

Valentine chuckled again, his fingers idly indenting my skin, my breast apparently now his stress toy.

I sank into thought for a minute, first over the sexual health check I’d had after my encounter with Tobi’s father, and secondly over a happier idea. One where Tobi had a little brother or sister. It had surprised me how easily my answer had come to Ariel’s question about whether I wanted more kids. I did. At least one, despite money being tight. I loved being a mother, and Tobi was so independent now, it freed me up to have a babe in my arms.

Which meant a boyfriend who wanted the same. Or a sperm donor who didn’t mind not raising his kids, which was probably a lot of men. I snorted a soft laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Valentine turned me over to face him. Instantly, his gaze was on my boobs, but he did a valiant job in dragging it back to my face for my answer.

“I was thinking about how some men behave. The shirking-responsibility type.”

He blinked. “Am I included in that group?”


“Then get those men out of your head when you’re in bed with me, woman.”

I grinned at him. “Sorry. I’ll save all my thoughts for you.”

“Good. Or I’ll give ye something else to think about.”

My pulse skipped at the threat. Against my leg, Valentine’s dick thickened again. It hadn’t truly gone soft, pointing to him being still as turned on as I was. It was barely five in the afternoon and broad daylight. We had the place to ourselves until probably lunchtime tomorrow, and I intended to make the most of it. I wriggled my hand between us and stroked him.

His gaze became loaded and heavy. I went to move, but he caught my wrist and drew it above my head.

“There was me thinking we could just cuddle and chat until dinner.”

“Your dick says otherwise.”

“Valid argument. Hold the bedpost. Both hands.”
